Mere of The Lost Geographic Location in The Realm of Lorian | World Anvil
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Mere of The Lost

In the early stages of the War of Ascension when the Unknowable Foe was little more than a hushed rumor spreading through the ancient kingdoms of Lorian the Elven city of Nier Dor and the tragedy that befell it would force the people of Lorian's eyes open to the harrowing truth and danger they so suddenly faced themselves in. The city of Nier Dor was no mere village or simple stronghold, no it was once the crowning jewel of the Elven Empire brimming with magic, ancient knowledge, and mystical power beyond belief in this age. However even such pedigree could not spare Nier Dor and its people from their fate. It is said that in the dead of night a hollow bellowing like that of some great beast could be heard for miles across the land before the sky lit with a brilliant emerald hue with blinding radiance.  Once the light fled and the noise began to wave the horror of this new reality became clear. The city of Nier Dor was gone, leaving only a few crumbling and smoking ruins in its wake. However perhaps this was a far kinder fate than what befell the villagers and inhabitants of the near by wilds. The radiant light twisted and perverted everything it touched, seeping into everything living for dozens upon dozens of miles. This is the truth of the Mere of The Lost, the first mass grave forced upon the people of Lorian by the Unknowable Foe in a staggering display of force during but a single night.


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