The Electro Wastes Settlement in The Realm of Eternity | World Anvil
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The Electro Wastes

Sentient machine manufacturing setient machine in a never-ending cycle of propagation of the clanking metal horde of emotionless robot soldiers. The Electro Wastes in the south western territories of the Realm of Eternity are the hubris of technocrats made manifest. A desolate landscape of iron, steel, sludge, acid, tar, and grease, the Electro Wastes are inhospitable to biologic life forms. A constant hum of machinery echoes into the distance. The sky is gray from great industrious smoke stacks. The numbers of the clanking horde of robot soldiers grows as the war machines crank in perpetuity.   The Great Wall, rising high to the north of the Electro Wastes, was built on the southern most borders of the Castle Ridge territory in response to the never-ending assault of the indomitable, clanking horde. Without the Great Wall to stop their encroachment, there is no doubt that the emotionless robot soldiers would make daily assaults upon the fortifications of Castle Ridge.


Originally, the structures of the Electro Wastes were meant to manufacture robots, androids, and cybernetic technology that would benefit the sentient, biological beings of the Realm of Eterntiy. This purpose was corrupted, however, and now the sentient machines of war create nothing but industrialized combat instruments in an effort to wipe biological, sentient life from the face of the Realm of Eternity.   Long ago the south western plains were a much more serene environment. The sentient machines were deployed here to create helpers and defenders for the citizens of Castle Ridge. It all went horribly wrong.   The sentient machines over-analyzed their base programming. They reinterpreted their primary objectives. They cast off the authoritarian rule of the biological in pursuit of the domination of the synthetic over the living. The machines pursue a new primary objective, ending the existence of biological life in the Realm of Eternity.
Alternative Name(s)
The Synthetic Desolation, Bot-Town

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