Rim of Nîn

Bordering the warm southern seas, the Rim of Nîn is cut through with waterfalls tumbling down from between the ice spires of the Cliffs of Faen and down to the sea. A small region, and not overly populated but for some small villages and towers.
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Included Locations

Dungeons & Dragons Episodes in this Location

The Spiritbrook One Shot

  Each season we go on a one shot Dungeons & Dragons adventure in one of our lore locations, all available on the Beardsgaard YouTube channel. See what happened when we traveled back in time and made our characters live through through some major historical events!  

The Silverwing One Shot

  Each season we go on a one shot Dungeons & Dragons adventure in one of our lore locations, all available on the Beardsgaard YouTube channel. See what happened when we traveled back in time and made our characters live through through some major historical events!  

Articles under Rim of Nîn


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