Infernals are born first of a Fire Elemental and Vanir. The Vanir with a mind toward fire magic seek out Muspelheim and the spells it holds, as the Vanir can withstand the strength of the elements. Infernals, like Celestials, both have a foot in the mortal world with a Human ancestor as well as an immortal one.
They are just as likely to dwell in Vanaheim as Muspelheim, and although they aren't very common in the Realm, you can find them in any of the further reaches of society. They aren't shunned in society, exactly, but they don't particularly like it.
Basic Information
Generally humanoid, but stronger. Infernals who reside near locations of strong magic can take on some alternate forms, walking as a walking flame, fire collection of mid-sized fire salamanders, a choking cloud of smoke, or whatever they choose, if they hew closer to their Vanir parentage.
Growth Rate & Stages
Infernal age stages take after whichever culture they are raised in. Of the more humanoid Infernals, most reach maturity at around 20 years of age, and become elders of their species at 1000.
Ecology and Habitats
Infernals tend toward the darker side of fire, often preferring underground settlements and lairs. They can survive just as well in temperate climates as fiery ones, but not cold ones without a lot of layers and a bit of magic cold protection.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Infernals have no need for the nourishment of most mortal and immortal beings, but they do eat for the enjoyment or ritual of it, and occasionally simply for the dinner party conversation.
Biological Cycle
Infernals are immortal, and so do not age as mortals do. They enjoy a quality somewhere between youthful and ageless for centuries, but as the centuries wear on, they take on an increasingly devilish appearance.
Additional Information
Social Structure
Like their Fire Elemental ancestors, Infernals mix with each other more than one might expect. They do love their alone time, but social climbing can be a contact sport.
Geographic Origin and Distribution
Most Infernals prefer the firelands of Muspelheim, but some reside elsewhere. They can live happily anywhere temperate to hot, and relatively dry, preferably underground in the mountains.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
Infernals have somewhat heightened perception in hearing. If a particular Infernal lives in very dark places or underground, they can develop excellent Darkvision, but the ones raised around fire do not.
Civilization and Culture
Naming Traditions
Like Vanir, Infernals are able to see their lives as a continuum, and are in full possession of their mental faculties by their first year, each Infernal chooses their own name based on the life path they see for themselves, based on the characters of one or both of their parents, or a combination of the two.
For example, two of the early created Vanir, Daeris Shadowqueen and Gorthon Dreadfell met in the northern woods, and were attracted to the dark powers of the other, and had a child, Daedheleth Shadowfell, who would become a shadow of horror in the Lhing Pass.
Alternatively, an Infernal may go with loose Elemental traditions, sometimes going by a single name, either given in childhood or chosen themselves later, sometimes by a first and surname, sometimes a first name with a last name as a title. In the Elemental way, first names are rarely related to their parents, but more often than not, full siblings will share a naming tradition.
Beauty Ideals
A sleek, angular, appearance with a strong fire inside is generally considered attractive to Infernals, as is strength, both physical and in power.
Gender Ideals
Gender isn't necessarily permanant amongst elementals, though many do choose one and stick with it.
Relationship Ideals
Romantic relationships are rare amongst Infernals, but strong and powerful partnerships are not uncommon, despite the relationship habits of their ancestral species.
Average Technological Level
Infernals rely far more on magic than technology.
Major Language Groups and Dialects
Infernals speak Infernal of course, and generally speak Common Gaardic, with Old Gaardic and Promordial being the most commonly spoken tongues in the fire kingdom. Draconic is often spoken, especially in the scalier population.
According to legends and general sense, it is thought that Infernals came to be thanks to a Vanir seeking to gain the power of fire magic in Muspelheim.
Interspecies Relations and Assumptions
The Vanir see Infernals as their eye rollingly edgy cousins, while Fire Elementals see Infernals as, well, their eye rollingly edgy cousins.
Infernals see the Vanir see as far too serious parents, while they see Fire Elementals as the elegant and cool aunts and uncles.
Legacy Beings take on traits of each of their parent species. A single Vanir far back in a long line of Fire Elementals will make for a present day Infernal with mostly Elemental characteristics.
Choose which of your parent species you take after more, then take the Stats and Prime Traits of that parent species, and the Legacy Trait of the other parent species.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
6-8 ft
Average Physique
Infernals take after their Vanir ancestors, usually tall and lithe, and occasionally broader with more muscular definition. All of this is assuming they are walking in a humanoid form.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Infernal skin tones range from a greyish white to coal black, often showing fire underneath.
Geographic Distribution