The Windswept Blight Military Conflict in The Realm of Antir | World Anvil
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The Windswept Blight

Very little information or documentation exists about the Windswept Blight, which occurred sometime around the fall of the First Empire of Enoh.   Current knowledge suggests the city that is now Qyte Sëmurë, was actually a fortified clifftop hill in the Gap of Mea'Itas, called Mea'Itas. Most agree the blight was what caused the transition, somewhere between 5 PA and 7 PA.   As far as what the blight actually was, the only known details say it was a Vitus infused spell (whether by sacrifice or the use of Brio Crystals), that was targeted to destroy something or someone eastwards of Mea'Itas (possibly an attacking army or uprising), or to specifically target the inhabitants of the area; a genocide of the Mantuā Repo.

The Conflict


As the eruption of pestilence and toxic miasma spread, it washed over the then plains whilst rising into the sky, where it was picked up by strong eastern running winds - those that a part of the Cyclone Tunnel. These winds spread it across almost the entire eastern plains, which now make the Kauhoe Bayou. It rapidly corrupted, rotted and mutated everything living; plant or animal.   It caused the mass famine of all crops and livestock, and it caused any races in the area (including the Enoh) to suffer respiratory problems, skinrot diseases, and rapid dehydration, all within the space of mere hours, causing untold deaths.   It is unknown if the origin of the blight was specifically in Mea'Itas, or nearby. Some speculate it would need a higher starting point to spread so far, so fast, such as the foothills of the Crorveil Rift just to the north.


It altered the landscape so much, that an entirely new biome and ecology rose to fill its space, though now extremely hostile, unforgiving, and specialised.    Other than the huge ecological disaster, many surmise it is the cause of the Kauhoe Disorder.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Roughly 5 PA
Ending Date
Roughly 7 PA


  • Antir (Wind Patterns)


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