Eptani Species in The Realm of Antir | World Anvil
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The Eptani have many ethnicities, languages, and cultures within their species, such as; Zarescan, Orkun, and Ceterese, to name a few. As the people that first created the tree of life and its naming conventions, they are the ones who took the planets namesake as their own - prior they simply referred to their species as the culture/heritage they were a part of.   They are descended from a recent common ancestor with the Tikka and possibly the Mantuā Repo too, sharing the same genus of 'Eptanis' and although rare, allowing hybridised offspring.

Basic Information


Anthropoid and bipedal, they're most characteristic feature is their head fins - the pair hang separately from the back of the head down, starting wide. At around a third of the way down the outer edges start a concave curve in until there are two thin "tails" that reach the remaining way down. They can no longer move the fins at will, but they range greatly in colour, many are often brown with a crimson running along the edges or down the tails. The rest of their skin is tan or brown, though with a very faint tint of the crimson. Those that have hair, have wavy black or brunette locks.    They also have a pair of spiny fins that sit diagonally on their upper back, arranged in a "V" shape, although not meeting at the bottom. The spines are angled downwards and often sport strong crimson colours. These fins can still be moved, and when erected the sharp bony spines extent outwards. Both the head-tail fins and the back fins were originally for scaring off predators, but these days are used in various fighting styles, dances, and rituals.

Growth Rate & Stages

They continue developing until they're about 30 years old, being considered children up until the age of 10, and finally becoming adults at 20. They consider anyone over the age of 80 an Elder, with a lifespan of around 100. Beyond the age of 30, the venom continues to grow in potency, making an Elders venom highly valued and respected.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Because of the divergence of the Tikka and Mantuā Repo, the Eptani are mostly situated in the warmer and drier regions of the world, and are less adapted to the colder or harsher environments than their counterparts. Their fins do however have highly attuned "taste" and "smell" sensors, able to detect changes in the wind or air, and pin point the location of a fresh kill or scent marking. The spines in said fins do also produce a venom that targets motor neurons - capable of paralyzing even large beasts.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

They inhabit a wide range of cities and countries across Eptan, and some are even found in the cities of other species. They do however usually stick the safer areas of the planet, with milder climates than those typically found on Eptan.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They have a number of prominent languages, usually native to whatever city or country they inhabit, with just as many creoles. The languages of the Eptani are however often simple and the easiest to learn for outsiders, with easily recreated sounds and vocalisations.
Scientific Name
Eptanis Eptanis
120 Years
Average Height
Average Weight


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