Human Species in The Realm of Ademlos | World Anvil
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Humans are the first race of mortals believed to be brought to Ademlos, and thrive as the most populous civilized race today. Humans originate from two locations: Carthannas and Vollmond. Though these two groups bear no ancestral relation, they are physiologically the same species. Humans are a remarkably diverse race in many aspects. Even within specific regional cultures of Humans, individual variances can be significant and abundant. However, it would not be improper to characterize the Human race as generally affable, open-minded, adaptable, ambitious, hardworking, spirited, and compassionate folk.

Basic Information


Humans typically stand anywhere between 5 to 6 feet in height, and usually weigh between 125 and 250 pounds. Male Humans are generally taller and heavier than females. Humans of Vollmonder ancestry display lighter, pale shades of skin tone; blonde or brown hair; and blue eyes. Humans of Carthannite ancestry bear darker, “olive” skin; brown or black hair; and brown or amber eyes. Humans of Cassian ancestry generally exhibit tan skin tones in between the others; brown or red hair; and green, hazel, or gray eyes. Humans with mixed regional ancestry may display nearly any combination of these characteristics.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans reproduce sexually, with one male and one female parent. The female carries the offspring, rarely more than two, to term for 9 months in her womb, located in the lower torso.

Growth Rate & Stages

Humans have a relatively short lifespan: reaching adulthood around 16 summers of age and having a life expectancy of no more than 100 summers.

Ecology and Habitats

Humans are generally able to thrive in environments where ambient temperatures range from -20C to 50C, which describes most areas of Ademlos, except for the extreme cold conditions of the northern Steinhjalm region and the deserts of southwestern Jacinta and Aratrum. Humans of Ademlos originate from two locations: Carthannas and Vollmond. Today, Humans can be found in nearly all regions and societies across the realm, and their total population is greater than any of the other races, though they are often the least numerous race within any given single region.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have no special racial abilities to their senses.
Carthannite, Vollmonder, Cassian

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