The Fire Brigand
As seen in
The Fire Brigand
One of the most feared names on the king's highways is that of the Fire Brigand.
This highwaywoman may strike on any of the major or minor ways in Sayinia, but is generally sighted in the central or western reaches, between Atalasu City and The Heel. She generally targets caravans or traveling groups, both large and small.
Manner of Attack
The Fire Brigand strikes almost exclusively at night, when her targets are tired from a day's journey. She may attack in the middle of the night, when most are sleeping, or in the late evening. She has even been known to approach a cookfire and demand valuables from those seated at supper.The group faced the fire and sang, and though Galen didn’t know the song he found himself caught up in the rollicking melody and lyrics of a bard’s adventures on the road. Bards were a thing of fable, like the powerful magicians of old, and it was fun to hear the song’s story unfold.The attack always begins with a firestrike. Guards of larger caravans report that the first sign is usually a wagon bursting into flame, with little or no warning beforehand. Smaller, less commercial groups often say that a fiery display announces her arrival, but without direct harm. Some have argued that this indicates a moral standard, albeit a loose one, in that she does not immediately destroy traveling families' entire goods, but this is a rather strained assertion regarding someone who preys upon traders and families. No accurate tally of the Fire Brigand's victims has ever been made, due to confusion in the reports and disparities in counted deaths and missing bodies. Nevertheless, all reports insist on murders and destroyed property along with the thefts, and she is feared along the lengths of the highways.
And then the cook fire burst upward and outward, a fountain of flame, and they all screamed and recoiled. Heat seared Galen’s face as he scrabbled back.
“Stop! Stop!” Nathan cried, spinning and calling into the dark. “We’ll give you what you want! Don’t hurt us, don’t destroy what we have!”
The fire steadied and lowered, and a tall, slim shadow formed at the edge of its light. “What will you give me?”
Nathan held up his hands. “One moment. We have some money set aside. I’ll get it for you.”
Disappearance and Reemergence
For approximately four years, the Fire Brigand was a common hazard on the road. About two years ago, sightings became less frequent, and then there were none. It was speculated that she had gone into retirement on her plunder. Recently, however, the Fire Brigand has appeared again. Her tactics have changed; she now has a band of outlaws with her, who also participate in attacking caravans and travelers, mostly to the east. Whatever personal standard had guided her in choice of victims seems to have weakened, as these bandits will attack lone travelers and families as eagerly as large merchant caravans, and the quick offer of a donation does not seem to sate her, as she will kill to take all. Travelers are urged to take care and to travel with armed guards if at all possible.
unknown, estimated 20-40
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
approximately 5 feet 5 inches
estimated 140 pounds