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A source of eternal fire, if you care for it.


Material Characteristics

Coal is solid in nature, and different grades of it have different colors ranging from dark brown to deep black.   It tends to leave black dust on the surfaces it rests on.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Appears to be carbon-based. While quite hard, it flakes.

History & Usage


Coal has been consistently regarded as a steady source of fire, though it may not be easy to light compared to wood and straw.   During the industrial revolution, mining industries relocated to north of Britain as there were large coal reserves underground.


First discovered in Britain around 3000 BC. It didn't gain much importance as a fuel until around 1000 AD.

Everyday use

Used as a source of fuel and heat when lit up.   Small lumps of coal are used to supplement fireplaces for cooking and general heat.   Inns would have constantly lit fireplaces with judicious use of coal and use said fireplaces for cooking.   Laundry shops use coal to heat water so that they can wash clothes easily.

Industrial Use

Used to power furnaces, ships, and trains.   While not a direct source of fuel for ships and trains, heated coal will boil water which powers steam engines and thus allow vehicles to move.


Different grades of coal can be used as they are.   However, black coal is preferred for residential heating because it's considered less dusty than brown coal.

Manufacturing & Products

Coal is occasionally processed further into coke, through anaerobic heating in destructive distillation.   Coke is a less polluting fuel than coal, but is mainly used in metalworking.


Coal dust irritates lungs. The miners collecting it suffer shortness of breath due to the cramped dusty conditions.

Environmental Impact

Notorious for creating smog especially in the industrial districts.



It needs to be kept in a cool dry place so that it doesn't catch fire.
Like burnt paper
Black or gray
Common State

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