verum stella Tradition / Ritual in the pact worlds | World Anvil
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verum stella

Tell us about a popular parlour game played in a region of your world. What are the rules?this tactical card game involves 2 deck of cards each containing 3 of each zodiac signs 2 of each of the seasons and a single play of fate card. it also will require 42 star set up each character shuffels the deck sets out 21 star token just for them and draw five the final part before proper play each player sets done one of their cards and puts a star token on it.during play player´s go around the table and perform 2 of three actions.the first action you can take is to draw 3 more cards.the second is to play any card in your hand to the table and put any number of your unused star tokens on a the final possible action is to make one of your played have a dual of fate all cards have 2 or 3 months on them and can only have a duel of fates with a card that does not share a month. if a duel of fate is triggered the card with the most star tokens on it wins and the owner of that card can put the enemies card at the bottom of their deck and take all star tokens that were on that card.the game ends when a single player posses all 42 star tokens or is the only one with at least 6 cards in their deck. the play of fates card when drawn allows to draw an addational 3 cards and when played instead of playing like a normal card choose an enemy player that player loses all their  unused star tokens which you can distribute among your played cards the chosen player then puts your play of fate cards at the top of their duck and shuffels.

Components and tools

a few cards and cardboard tokens

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