Weightcasters Prose in The Overlap | World Anvil
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I have found the Weightcasters one of the most curious of the twelve magical communities, as there is little evidence of their magic being practiced before the Magic War. In fact, it seems that such magic used to be very unstable, but by focusing on something very specific they have managed to master it in a manner that does not endanger their lives.  


  Weightcasters seem to use a remnant of old earth and stone magic to change the weight of objects. This can be extremely dangerous because when altering the gravitational pull of a planet, a person can be ripped apart by that planet's force. But Weightcasters are identified by their aptitude, which usually, though not always, passes along family lines. The aptitude has been known to skip generations or to die out altogether, as well as to appear in families where it has never before been seen. Once identified, potential Weightcasters are invited to attend a special school where they hone their gift and discover the strategy that best works for them for manipulating weight. Some Weightcasters do this through words, others through imbuing objects with power, and still others through the use of potions.  


  Weightcasters have an underground democratic organization which makes and enforces rules about how weightcasters are allowed to use magic and what they must do to keep their abilities a secret. All adult weightcasters are allowed to participate within this organization.  


  Weightcasters live in many places all over the world. There are many small towns that consist mostly or entirely of Weightcaster families, mostly located in Orica, Olica, and Espene, which is also where the three major Weightcaster schools are located.

Cover image: Weightcaster Symbol by Molly Marjorie
This article has no secrets.


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