The Daragon Geographic Location in The Oryuh Archipelago | World Anvil
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The Daragon

At the heart of the Oruyh Archipelago, in the middle of the Miuggiuli Island, is a sacred territory where no human, elf or even animal is allowed. This is the land where the sacred Dragons live.

No-one knows why or when the Dragons settled on the island or even more specifically in this particular place. Some legends say they were born of fire and water here, others that they flew from another continent so far away no-one could ever go there. Some say they have fallen from the sky, others than they have always been here. Legends are numerous and vary from time to time, town to town, island to island.
But what we know for sure is that the Dragons were there long before any human or elves. Probably even before the humans and elves were two separate species. And since they claimed the land first, they consider the Oruyh Archipelago theirs. They go wherever they want, whenever they want. They occupy the places they like without asking and, of course, no-one every disagree with them. Because ultimately, they are the one who let the humans and elves inhabit part of their territory. I say part only, because anyone who dares wander inside the round river of Hun, towards the Mount Daragon, is immediately devoured by the Guardians, blue dragons who never leave. They are the protectors. And so they do guard and protect the land. Their land.
People call this place the Daragon, the same way the Mountain at its center is names too. This has been cause to some confusion at various times in history, and is still a subject of tests and mockery for students in geographical and dragon studies. The name Daragon doesn’t mean anything in any known language and is probably a misspelling of the world Dragon, that got written somewhere in some ancient time and for one reason or another, stayed until today.
In geographical terms, Daragon is a strange place. To take the measure of it all, you’d have to imagine a river circling around an immense mountain, that pierces through the clouds always on top of it. The peak in itself is so high that nobody knows actually how high it is. The slopes all around the peak are so steep than very few dragons actually land on it. The base of the mountain is large, and its entire structure is riddled with holes.
When you look with any kind of observation material, you can see dragons of all sorts entering and exiting through the holes. Some suggest their nest is actually inside the mountain. Some say on top. There is no way of knowing since no-one actually entered Daragon. Ever. Some have tried swimming into the river, some on the back of a Dragon.

All have failed.

As stated before, around the mountain, defining the limits of the Dragons’ territory, is the round river of Hun. It is, as its name states, a river that flows in a circle. A perfect circle, without any detour, without any beginning or end. A mysterious phenomenon that many scientists have tried to understand, but is a secret still kept because of the Guardians. The river never changes, never stops, never runs dry. There seems to have no creature in it and the waters look like any ordinary water. It is impossible, and yet, the round river of Hun exists.
This river and the Mountain in its middle are legends, yet they are real. Some say the magic of the Dragons themselves created this place. Some say that is what attracted them on these islands. This will probably stay a mystery forever. But one thing is certain and has to be repeated.

The Dragons are the masters in Oruyh, and we are just allowed to reside.

Mountain / Hill

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