L'Empereur Character in The Old World | World Anvil
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The Emperor

His name is The Emperor. He is one of the 23 main members of the "cabale". He was thrown in prison since his childhood and grew up there. While in prison, an entity contacted him and taught him how to fight by swearing allegiance to it, promising revenge on whoever put him in jail.   At his 20s, he was ready to fight and escape. And while planning his run, Vasylie and Soul were sent to the East and he was sent with them. He then learned from Vasylie that his brother Kalamir was sent to death and that his parents were killed.   He later discovered that his father may not be dead and that the true reason that he was put in jail was to protect him from the world that wanted his Aasimar's blood.   Since then, his objective is to create a paradise on earth (Mont Aeternum) for all the Aasimars who suffered enough injustice and persecution. He is ready to do whatever it takes to do so.

A uniquely charismatic and charming character. Emperor of the Aasimars, creator and ruler of Aeternum.

Current Location
Mont Aeternum
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Chaotic Good
Current Residence
Mont Aeternum
White Blond
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned (Orange)

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