Tale of Time
The Tale of Time is the oldest known prophecy of the mortal races. Originally carved as pictures, there are many written down versions and translations of it, all interpreting the depictions of fate in different ways.
It was first dicovered by the dwarves and kept a secret for many years. Attempting to understand its true meaning and detect its origins they studied it closely. But after almost a generation had passed, a newly crowned king decided to reveal the prophecy to the other mortal races, hoping to be able to put sense to the pictures with their aid. But none have been able to clearly predict anything from the scatches on the wall. Only after important events had come to pass, the depictions speaking of these events appeared to become clear to the readers.
Over the passing of years and generations, some themes have become more clear, as multiple translations began to show similarities:
These are just two examples of translations of the same chapter, showing a clear connection between the themes "truth" and "despair". Other translations show similar theme connection in this chapter. However it is to be considered that some translations are pure copies of others.
For those that can read the strange symbols in which the Tale is depicted are rare. To all others viewing the carvings will simply give them an unexplainable feeling of witnessing something old and deep and sacred.
It was first dicovered by the dwarves and kept a secret for many years. Attempting to understand its true meaning and detect its origins they studied it closely. But after almost a generation had passed, a newly crowned king decided to reveal the prophecy to the other mortal races, hoping to be able to put sense to the pictures with their aid. But none have been able to clearly predict anything from the scatches on the wall. Only after important events had come to pass, the depictions speaking of these events appeared to become clear to the readers.
Over the passing of years and generations, some themes have become more clear, as multiple translations began to show similarities:
Ever night shall fall on these lands,
Raising childrens hands against their fathers.
Ever night shall fall on these lands,
When truth is spoken and anger blooms.
The world shall fall into despair
when brothers tall and sisters fair
torn by truth and bound by lie
look into the others eye
These are just two examples of translations of the same chapter, showing a clear connection between the themes "truth" and "despair". Other translations show similar theme connection in this chapter. However it is to be considered that some translations are pure copies of others.
For those that can read the strange symbols in which the Tale is depicted are rare. To all others viewing the carvings will simply give them an unexplainable feeling of witnessing something old and deep and sacred.
Altough none can say with certainty what the whole meaning is of these carvings, it has become clear by many years of study that the Tale of time contains the whole fate of creation, from its beginning to its end.
As secret as it was in the time the dwarves kept the carvings to themselves, as well known did they become in the years after their revelation. Within few years after that some kind of telling was known to each child of the mortal races.
Variations & Mutation
There are numberless translations and variations of the Tale of Time. Many of the translations became spoken legend, changing with each telling and with each settlement they passed through.
Cultural Reception
For many years after the revelation of the carvings, their translations where highly praised and believed to be life savers. For everything unusal suddenly became sign of an important part of the prophecy and thus it could be turned to ones best by knowing the right verse. Many also believed that knowing the Tale would help them and their children make the right choices in life.
But after a generation had passed the dust settled as nothing major and world-changing had happened yet. The existing oral traditions became childrens verse, hardly given any real life importance.
But scholars continued to study the carvings and on rare occasions someone was born who could put words to the strange symbols, adding just another translation to the endless sea of already existing ones.
But after a generation had passed the dust settled as nothing major and world-changing had happened yet. The existing oral traditions became childrens verse, hardly given any real life importance.
But scholars continued to study the carvings and on rare occasions someone was born who could put words to the strange symbols, adding just another translation to the endless sea of already existing ones.
In Literature
Mos of the translations of the Tale are in verse as this seemed the most appeasing form and also the easiest to remember. Yet there where some rather serious books of the different themes and their connections and possible translations in context. These however are very difficult reading material as all is based on chance and possibility.
In Art
Beeing itself a peace of art, pieces of the whole carving where done very often, mainly to study them somewhere else.
Simgle runes, symbols or depictions would also occur in the background of drawings, carvings and other pieces of art, especially when depicting historical event associated with certain chapters of the original work.
Simgle runes, symbols or depictions would also occur in the background of drawings, carvings and other pieces of art, especially when depicting historical event associated with certain chapters of the original work.
Date of Setting
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