Afisaad Organization in The Old One | World Anvil
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Plight of the Four Kingdoms

It came with fire and darkness. Death itself walked the streets of Wosroska, the crown city of Afisaad, and people turned to dust, screams dwindling to whispers before their loved ones could hear them. And all the while, this demon roared with a terrible fury, making men scurry underground to escape this vicious hate. Each of us knew It's name.   Jiat the Destroyer.
King Murellion of Bhemet to his daughters.
    The once united Kingdom of Afisaad was destroyed long ago, leaving but remnants of the once proud people. With no where else to go, and the kingdom in ruins, seven heroes revealed themselves and laid the Destroyer low, binding it with chains of heavenly gold, sealing it away in a stone coffin, never to rise again. Over time, as the land healed, the descendants of these heroes, forgot what held them together in the old land of Afisaad, what made them strong. They forgot the valiant effort the seven heroes put in to keep them alive.   Instead, four burgeoning kingdoms fight for dominance over the ashen remains of the once mighty kingdom. Petty squabbles and religious fanaticism tear the land apart in numerous skirmishes, with the current rulers struggling to maintain order. And now, people are dying in their sleep, screaming out about the Mind Eater before their heart gives out. Fear stokes flames higher as seven are brought together with a radical plan to save Afisaad.   Life can vary wildly for those living in Afisaad, dependent entirely on the circumstances of your birth. You may find yourself in the Theocratic Kingdom of Bhemet, where the religious dictates are enforced by the Tithe takers, and where a bitter struggle between the royal houses and the priests rages silently on. Or you may have been born in Drassus where there are no nobles, and status is gained by competence.
Thiel borders Bhemet, and both disagree severely on the particulars of the divinity of Urus, bad blood runs thick between them. But although Bhemet is larger, the exquisite Knights of Thiel are clad in steel that is the envy of all Afisaad. Or were you born in Riyat where a vastly different religious belief has put them at odds with the rest of Afisaad. But that is fine when magic itself is worship to Urus.   No matter where you end up in Afisaad, one thing is always the same. War.    


Afisaad culture predictably changes depending on which kingdom you find yourself in. For example in  


Due to the great natural resource of good iron and metal, the position of metal worker, in any aspect is highly regarded and the best of them become rich and favoured by the Royalty. And this has resulted in a culture that gives great respect and work into metal works. From their Damascus blades and ornate but strong armour, people are respected for working long at any task, to do it well is expected, rushing something and making a defective short term solution is frowned upon.  


The radically different interpretation of Urus and belief in general, to a point where it is a far more individual and personal journey, has given rise to a more individualistic and casual society. Everyone is on their own personal journey of understanding, and this has resulted in a stronger grasp of magic in the wider population with schools of learning devoted to it and it not being stifled by religious dogma as in the other nations.  


The religious heart of Afisaad and many from all over still head to Bhemet to pay homage to the grand cathedrals and shrines to Urus, with their priests often performing powerful miracles across the land. This religious adherence then, is not without reason, but the darker side has resulted in small pockets of fanatisism, with their believers taking particular stock in one priests sayings on particular parts of the faith, and they threaten those around them to adhere to their interpretation. The priests, you see, are in power struggles of their own.  


Ruled by none except the Knight-Regent and even then they are mainly a figure head for the professional army, responsible with keeping the wolves at bay so the people can live in peace. Drassus is a country that is the most equal in terms of status, one may own land through hard work and competence, but rarely is corruption and despotism tolerated. A man keeps his wealth and status by treating his fellow man well.   The world of Afisaad is a varied one, the people that survived the The Great Fire have clearly marked their differences, and over the decades this has only increased. The seven heroes have their work cut out for them.    
The glorious kingdom of Wosroska was laid low, nothing but burnt rubble and the echoes of screams, madness and destruction wrought by Jiat the Destroyer. They say he was a boy once, but he fell to the darkness and Wosroska with him... If not for the ancient kings of old, we would be but dust. They sealed the destroyer away, his sins entombing him forever.
Spoken by an old Talemaster.


Afisaad was a glorious nation that was once ruled by a Sovereign, named Urus. Urus was fascinated with Kingcraft and how one might rule effectively over a large population.His power manifest as a crown. And, after a few failures and starting again, he founded the kingdom of Afisaad. Due to its abundance of natural metals it played a role as metal workers to the Golden Empire.   However soon the attentions of the Primera fell upon Afisaad and their arcane interference in the Grand Design, soon led Urus astray. In fact, so warped was the mind of the Primera that he slowly feasted on his mind and assumed control over his being. Urus high king was no more, and Urus God Incarnate was born. Sacrificial gatherings and vile practices quickly became prevalent, as the Primera indirectly utilised the unpredictable nature of Man. However a small boy happened upon a Spark, and with this strength, and the glimpse of the Aunroa he was shown, he new what he had to do.   The boy became Jiat and he set Afisaad ablaze, before finally striking down Urus and trapping the Primera within him by way of six stakes of magic through its body. After this the boy was drained but his task was done. The Five heroes who found him could not bring themselves to kill a small boy so instead, bound him with their magical powers, creating four chains and locks to keep his power contained. The scattered remnants of Afisaad now slowly congregated together. Piecing together their history, with numerous false accounts becoming common knowledge.    

Major Organisations


Locations of note






founded. 202na
destroyed. 562na


Brief description of symbol

Head of State
King Urus
Official Language
Ruling Bodies
Notable Events
The Great Fire
State Religion(s)
Technological Level
Magical Aptitude
Military Forces
Book Series
The Afisaad Dynasty Series
From the ashes of Wosroska, Seven champions founded four kingdoms, each determined to succeed and rule the ancient land of the fallen dynasty. And each has lasted far longer than Wosroska ever had, that desire forgotten amid the new rivalries and bitter battles for encroaching boarders. But something has now forced an uneasy alliance. People are dying in their sleep, horrific nightmares leave sightless eyes unable to enjoy the dawn, and those that do wake, speak the same name in hushed tones.
The Mind Eater
  In despiration, the Four Kingdoms send their champions to do the unthinkable, to wake the Destroyer of Wosroska and force him to fight the Mind Eater. But will he be so cooperative after 800+ years of imprisonment.

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