Worthy Rank/Title in The Ocean | World Anvil
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One unique aspect of Galternene culture is that a person's position in the social hierarchy--called valuation--determines the amount of influence she has within her community.  In Stolc, Galtern's largest city, that influence is formalized through the title of Worthy, given to those whom the citizens consider to contribute the most to the public well-being.


The sole qualification for the title of Worthy is a sufficiently high valuation. In Galtern's value-based economy, the baseline of a person's valuation is determined by their occupation. This is not necessarily a job, but whatever primary role the person holds.  However, there is no occupation value high enough to automatically grant the title of Worthy.  The baseline is modified by such factors as hometown, behavior, and honors or demerits earned.  An exact value is difficult to determine, because a person's valuation can fluctuate with each social interaction, and can even be different depending on who they are interacting with.


There is no ceremonial recognition when someone reaches the rank of Worthy.  Usually, a new Worthy finds out about it when friends start congratulating her, or when known Worthies ask if she has considered the latest proposed policies on the The Worthies' Wall.


Attaining the rank of Worthy comes with the responsibility of participating in Stolc's governing process. Worthies are expected to regularly visit the Worthies' Wall to weigh in on discussions of city policy. There is no obligation to suggest policy, but registering one's opinion publicly is a good way of maintaining one's high valuation.


The benefit of a high valuation includes more than just the right to weigh in on public policy.  A Worthy can count on good and fast service anywhere.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Since the title depends on the person's perceived value in society, a Worthy can lose the title by losing the public's general good opinion. One reliable way of doing this is by overreach: demanding the preferential treatment to which one is entitled usually results in a swiftly plunging valuation. A more voluntary method is to step down from a highly-valued occupation such as street cleaning.
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