soil farmer
After the street cleaners who collect organic waste generated in cities, soil farmers are the next step in keeping Galtern a safe and healthy society. They are responsible for processing the waste and converting it to the rich soil that drives the island's ground agriculture. Despite that, they earn less value than street cleaners, partly because their work is less visible to the public but mostly because of the aroma that lingers around them while they are in the role, no matter how often they bathe.
Like street cleaners, soil farmers must be physically strong with a robust immune system. Mental fortitude is also important to face unflinchingly the necessity of handling human remains.
Payment & Reimbursement
Soil farmers are valued highly for their contribution to maintaining public health. That value is unfortunately tempered by the smell that clings to them even days after they have stopped the work, with the result that though their needs are met with high-quality goods, they are often served at a distance and with careful attention paid to wind direction.
Other Benefits
Because they regularly handle corpses, soil farmers are eligible for the Coroner's Star. To date, however, none have received it.
Farming shifts are so short--a month at the longest, with half-year intervals between--that virtually everyone who has the physical tolerance for the work will be assigned to it at least once in their lives. Besides the practicality of keeping the farms running efficiently, this requirement prevents a social division arising between farmers and non-farmers. No one, regardless of her social status, is too valuable to be spared the filthiest job on the island, and she will have more sympathy for those actively working the soil farms because she knows her turn will come.
Soil farmers use tools with extra-long handles, sometimes twice their own height, so that they can work with the compost rows at a safe distance. Breathing masks and cooling gloves are necessary for up-close work.
Provided Services
By efficiently processing organic waste from all over the island, soil farmers help maintain Galtern's reputation as the healthiest place in the cluster to live. The finished soil is primarily used within Galtern itself. Excess is sold to other agricultural islands, contributing to Galtern's economic health as well.
Dangers & Hazards
Soil farming is a dangerous occupation. Working with human waste exposes farmers to disease, and the intense physical labor can cause permanent damage to the body. The decomposition process also generates dangerously high temperatures and must be constantly monitored for fire risk.
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry
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