Gibo Nomads
The presence of the Gibo Outlands puzzles many individuals, scholars and religious clergy alike. The landscape stands out against the high mountains guarding the Southern peninsulas, and the lush green forestlands of the Velorian. But beyond that, the foliage and fauna strike fear into their hearts. Giant albino pill bugs and white tiger packs, the giant beasts carry the Dire within them. But there, amongst the white stones and jagged white clay earth, live a people. A people who have withstood the test of time, and the harshness of their surroundings.
The Gibo Nomadic tribes of the Outlands are, in fact, the namesakes of the entire region. But no one would know it. For the tribe refers to themselves as the 'Forgotten People.' Only the most diligent scholars or the most secret of tomes tucked away in the most prestigious of libraries have any information about the Forgotten People. If any is to be found, it is lacking in details. What is known about the Gibo Nomads is that they are various groups of Orcish descendants. They never stay in one place for too long, and have reportedly learned to tame the Dire beasts of the region in order to travel great distances in short periods of time.
Their very existence is a mystery to the majority of people in the Promeran kingdom. It is not surprising however, since it is rumored they have a mystical power. The power to make people forget. Logically speaking, they have utilized this power to erase themselves from the collective memory of the kingdom, which in combination with the condition of their environment, ensures that no one will bother them.
The only reason for knowing anything about them at all is the fact that there were apparently splinter groups, Orc bandits that no longer practiced their traditions and lived as known beings in the Outlands. They have been harassing merchant vessels as they braved the Outland's malice, and its only by their presence is the existence of the Nomads known.
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