Describe a geographic location beneath the surface - what can you find lurking there?
The Greatest Mountain
Rising above all other mountains on the Garden is Drimotia, The Slumbering Mountain. There is no question that it is the grandest, as it towers above all others near it and can be seen from nearly anywhere the Aerthfei Mountains can be seen. It stands apart from its neighbors as it is surrounded by the Ckrezir Valley on all sides. It's slopes are thickly cloaked in evergreen forest and its peak is a perilous icy crag which vanishes into cloud cover on all but clear days. The valley itself is home to several settlements of varying Nation, and cradles the most well-tended highway on the Garden, as the mountain is something of a trade hub for the majority of the year. When the Ursine Nation is active, the side of the mountain opens on a great mechanical hinge to allow visitors in (and Bears out).Arctoris Majrora
The capitol city of the Ursine Nation resides within the mountain. The gate of Drimotia remains open nine months of the year, but closes during the winter when the Bears hibernate- at this time, the mountain is sealed entirely.The Funo Mines
The Bears have dug out valuable ore and gems from the heart of the mountain, starting from natural caverns and digging deeper to follow veins. Most of these are still safe to wander as they were expertly made, however minerals of value are almost entirely depleted.The Chakaita Farms
Much of the sustenance that the Ursine Nation consumes is grown in completely underground farms set up in repurposed, abandoned mines. Light is brought in in the form of chemical lights, but most plants can't survive on that. Hence, the crops they grow range from giant mushrooms to nutrient-dense mosses, and even the most delicate and finicky plants most surface farmers would not put up with. Large, natural caverns are also used to raise chickens, rabbits and fish.Pervasive Ecology
Throughout all of the underground areas, some local fauna can be found. Blind cave lizards and puffbats are small and seen as both harmless and fairly cute, while the horse-sized dodecapedes range from major nuisance to critical danger, depending on where one is encountered. All considered, the mountain is teeming with life and those unfamiliar with the Song of that life should not wander far from Arctoris Major alone.Drimotia's Core
Buried deep, deep in the roots of the mountain, deeper than anyone has dug thus far, is a strange artifact. It is a lifeless metal box, roughly fifteen feet on a side and scarred with burn marks. Ancient glyphs name the artifact and it's purpose, but the script has long since been forgotten. This is the Seed which terraformed the Garden untold eons ago. It's power spent, it sleeps encased so deep in the crust of the planet that it may never be found.
Mountain / Hill