The True Titans in The Magitech Chronicles | World Anvil

The True Titans

Where do we come from? Our earliest myths tell of the creator god, Ohm, and say that its first significant act was creating the titans. But what does that mean, exactly? What was a titan? Even the datacores from the dragonflights don't have the answer.   They encountered a number of what they call false titans, so named because while they believe themselves to be titans the universe disagrees. A true titan is the embodiment of one of the eight aspects of magic. There were exactly eight, no more and no less.   When these titans were created, if our myths are accurate, they each contained literally all of that aspect in existence. Reevanthara was the titan of life, and possessed all life magic.   Before long these titans did what any self-respecting sentient does and they went to war with each other. Their first significant act was to invent war, which kicked off the Godswar, which still rages today.   They mated and formed alliances. Their children grew and flourished, or died and were in turn consumed by others. Each titan diminished as pantheons of their children grew.   Below you'll find the extremely limited data I've found on each of these true titans. I haven't attempted to approximate their real strength, as literally all the void in existence would be a divinity score millions? Billions? Who knows? Possibility only the true titans themselves.   So here's what I know.    

The Eight Titans

  • Reevanthara (Life)
  • Nuadashu (Air)
  • Brahamahaya (Dream)
  • Suryashiva (Fire)
  • Gortha (Void)
  • Trakalon (Earth)
  • Maatammut (Spirit)
  • Tiamatnu (Water)


Titan Level Progeny: Seraphima     Reeva is the only titan I have actually met or seen, and is only one of two that I know to still be alive in their fully divine forms. Reeva is a manipulative puppet master who appears benevolent, but I have no idea what his true motives are.   He appears as a good-natured dwarf, with no magic, but I've seen firsthand what a falsehood that is.   Reevanthara is most famous for architecting the Great Cycle, and in the process created the Umbral Depths by stealing all the light and magic from the existing universe that Ohm had originally created.   Not much is known about Reeva's direct family tree, other than that he had a daughter named Seraphima, which gave birth to all angelic species, and is the origin of the name Seraphim. In my head she probably likes to be called Sera.      


Titan Level Progeny: Nuada, Shu     We don't know crap about Nuadashu, except that I glimpsed it on a list of titans when I was in the city of Sanctuary. I don't even know how it's pronounced, though I can guess since the dragonflights had a number of legends about both the goddess Shu, and a god called Nuada. Put them together and what do you get? The name of our long lost air titan.   According to legends Nuada was an early Terran deity, who sounds like he made the Confederacy look competent. I'm assuming he had badass air magic. What he really needed was a publicist.   Shu is also a Terran deity, one we know more about. He is reputed to have been a god of the sky, and probably lightning bolted shit. If you know more let me know and I'll update this page.      


Titan Level Progeny: Brahma, Mahaya     Brahmahaya is one of the most interesting titans, and follows the same naming patterns as many of the others. Brahma is the terran deity of memes, and earthly creation. As I understand it this aspect of the titan is what led to the creation of the dream realm as part of the cycle. The concept of reincarnation, or a soul being born into a new body, came directly from Brahma.   Mahaya is in some ways Brahma's opposite. Where her brother deals with fixing chaos into form, she deals with dreams and illusions. Prior to the creation of the dream realm all dreams came from her, and the "dreaming" was her unconscious mind.      


Titan Level Progeny: Surya, Shivan, The Heart of Fire     Suryashiva is another dual deity name, also dating back to terra. It raises interesting questions about where the terrans got those names in the first place. Did they really have that many gods? Is that planet related to the cycle somehow? I'll find out when I find a route there.   Anyway, we know that Surya is a sun god, and from what I can piece together this was the dude who created all the stars. Shiva, or Shivan as he is often called, was the more destructive aspect of fire, and was known for great strength in arms.   The Heart of Fire is like really hot, or so I hear.      


Titan Level Progeny: XA, Gortha     Gortha is the other of the two titans I know to still be "alive" if alive applies to a titan of the void. She is reputed to engulf countless realities at the same time, her vast body strangling entire galaxies.   Early in Gortha's life she birthed XA, the first demon, who eventually led to the creation of familiar deities like Xal. At some point the Gortha entity seems to have split with the demons, as there are many references to a war between their species dating back millions of years.   Also Xal'Nara recruited me into that war, and will recruit you too if you're not careful. Reevanthara trapped Gortha in the Umbral Depths and she's pissed. She wants out. Her and Reevanthara appear to be locked in a sort of cosmic Kem'Hedj, fighting to win all realities.      


Titan Level Progeny: Trakalon, Osmium, Who knows who many other elements on the periodic table     Trakalon was alive recently. We know he existed at the end of the dragonflights, when Nefarius overthrew them. That's about the time the Fist of Trakalon was sheered off, though there is no recorded mention of where the rest of the titan went.   I will say that every source I've queried implies that the god calling itself Trakalon was not strong enough to be the true titan, not in the way that Reevanthara or Gortha is. Most likely we're dealing with a false titan that thinks it's cooler than it actually is.   At some point in the past Trakalon split, and much of his strength became a god known as Osmium. Almost nothing is known about the earth god, though we do use the metal he left behind to built all the coolest artifacts.      


Titan Level Progeny: Maat, Ammut, Devourer of Souls, Devourer of Names     Maatammut appears to be comprised of the terran gods Maat, and Ammut. Maat stood for order, and Ammut was a crocodile that devoured souls after they died. If you were found lacking, then you got fed to the croc.   As to the devourers those I have more personal experience with. I lost my mother to a disciple of the devourer of names, and that's a literal title. I can't even remember my mother's name. It was fed to the devourer, and no longer exists.      


Titan Level Progeny: Tiamat, Nu, Wyrmmother     I have always wondered where dragons came from. Someone had to make the first one, right? Reevanthara seems to take credit for pretty much everything, but no one can take that from Tiamatnu. Her daughter Tiamat is legendary among the dragonflights for a good reason. Tiamat gave birth to the Wyrmmother.   Our entire sector is built on the bones of the Wyrmmother and her children. Marid, the Earthmother, Virkonna, and all the others.   We know a lot less about Nu, other than that she is associated with the primal waters of creation, whatever that means.


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