Drifters Species in The Magitech Chronicles | World Anvil


The drifters are a major cultural problem for the Shayans. Much of their perceived superiority comes from tracing their lineage back to the goddess Shaya. They are, quite literally, touched by the divine. Unfortunately for them, so are the drifters. It is unclear to me where either species originated, but both consider Shaya to be their home, and venerate the Tree of Life.   Drifters, or halflings as they call themselves, are just as likely to possess life magic as any Shayan, and in roughly the same amount of power. That sticks in the craw of many Shayans, because it means the drifters are equals. Unlike their more respectable cousins the drifters are more alchemists, and less mages. They use their magic to brew the finest beers in the sector, which they sell from Drifter Rock all the way to Ternus. Healing and counterspell beer are the most commonly requested, but they can distill nearly any magic into their brews.   Drifters have a reputation as thieves, wastrels, drunks, and vagabonds. Some of that reputation is deserved as many tribes of drifters are nomadic, and a little less obsessed with the idea of personal property than many other races. However, most races value the brews they sell and so while they are watched carefully, they are usually still welcome in most starports.     Appearance   Drifters refer to themselves as halflings, because they're half as tall as a Shayan. The typical drifter comes no higher than a human waist, though there is little to distinguish a tall drifter from a short human. Drifters tend to have dark, curly hair, though blonde is nearly as common. They are noted for their good natures and constant smiles, which may be tied to the beer.     Drifters and Magic   Drifters have an affinity for life magic, but unlike Shayans they do not require it to survive. Drifters eat and drink like humans, and while they can live to see their second century they are no less more mortal than most races, and do not live nearly as long as Shayans.   Head Archivist Nara   Excerpt from Commonly Encountered Species


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