Archive of Lore Questions in The Magitech Chronicles | World Anvil

Archive of Lore Questions

This is the archive of questions, which can't be considered recent anymore.   So instead they all get dumped here or at the Archive of Mechanic Questions.    
Are there any shadow creatures and Shadow magic in the Universe? Can a Summoner have a pact with this kind of creatures?
Shadow is the purview of the void. You can absolutely have a demonic pact, or a pact with shadows, and in fact both are common.

When a soul gets used as fuel for necrotech does it still move on in the cycle or does it get used up gone forever?
The soul is used up forever. It leaves behind ectoplasm, but the consciousness has been destroyed. That's the primary reason its illegal, because it removes souls from the cycle.

Can the cycle be destroyed from lack of souls and energy?
No, but it can be diminished. If you think of the Cycle like a barrel it will eventually be an empty barrel, unless more souls are added. A certain number are created in the dream realm, but that could be eclipsed by enough necrotech, which was the true reason it was banned across our galaxy.

Where does the magic inside someone reside exactly, if I die after having gone to 3 catalysts, and come back as a wraith do I only have access to my spirit magic? What if I take over a body with fire do I now have fire or is it temporary as long as I have the body? If someone raises my body as a puppet after I leave it do they have access to my magic?
The magic is physically bonded to the body, not the soul. When the soul passes into the spirit realm it takes none of the magic with it (typically), but as you mentioned spirit is the exception. Accessing magic isn't that simple. Typically you'll only recover a fraction of the Catalyzation after killing someone, which is covered under the Soulcatcher ability. This is why necromancers tend to soulshackle living creatures, instead of killing and animating them. You want to keep those special abilities.

Does the catalyzation have any adverse effects on a lich?
Nope. Liches love Catalysts. You want to impress a lich? Get that lich a Catalyst.

If a lich, wraith or any spirit/ undead goes through a life Catalyst will it destroy them?
In theory entering a Catalyst for your opposite will destroy you, but in practice liches simply send in a physical body while their soul waits outside, then inhabit the body and use the magic when it exits. Note that the opposite of spirit is dream. Spectral unliving have zero problems picking up life and void.

Will the opposite Catalyst be harmful to some of the races born to an aspect? You had stated that the new Demonkin race is born with Void, will a life Catalyst hurt them?
Not for demonkin, because they have bred true. A primal demonkin who steps into a life Catalyst is going to get nuked, as a primal ifrit will get nuked at a water Catalyst.

Why would the dragon pantheon and Xal work along with Krox over the Unliving Council? He's just as Spirit dominated as them what makes him seem like the right choice?
Oh *&^%. Wall of text incoming.
Krox is a master deceiver. He was the god everyone knew was a prick, and that would screw you, but no one could ever prove it. Krox agreed to give up binding when he joined the pantheon. He totally gave it up. *wink wink*   The unseen fleets were necromancers. Necromancers create unliving, which are unnatural and mess with the great cycle. Souls are meant to move on. Binding is abhorrent to most dragons, but nothing on the level of necromancy.   This made the unseen fleets the prime threat, so the pantheon cheerfully accepted Krox. Remember that all aspects are generally welcome in most pantheon. It isn't so much about the type of magic you have as what you do with it.   There are certainly biases, especially against void and spirit, and it doesn't help that historically those biases have been proven right. If pairs of aspects had to get together to form houses Spirit and Void would be Slytherin.

What happened to Terra? I presume the series is based somewhat in the distant future but how far into the future?
Sol is one of the most powerful Catalysts in the sector. At different times it pulses different combinations of aspects, which is why Shaping arose on earth in my Deathless series. However, the star enters massive dormant periods that can stretch hundreds of thousands of years.   In the Magitech timeline the Ternus corporation began launching colonies right before Sol began pulsing magic again. That's the subject of an upcoming series who is on Earth when the Wyrmmother arrives looking for outriders, and worship. That will effectively date the series, and places Terra's rise to power well before the fall of the dragonflights 100,000 years ago.

100,000 years is a long time. Will we ever discover "lost Ternus" colonies?
There could be other surviving scraps of knowledge that lead back to earth. The idea is to make it a BSG style quest for any GM who wants to dangle it in front of their players. I've kept somewhat hands off so as not to restrict GMs from doing what they want there. There are several other Ternus colonies in the sector bordering ours, which are older, and suggest that earth lies in that direction.

How does going into the spirit realm in space work, do you need the ability to fly to get from one ship to another or can you just walk in space. Also say your ship is about to be overrun and taken aboard the enemy vessel could you hide in the spirit to avoid detection and be brought in by them like a stowaway or would wards prevent that sort of invasion?
You need to create a tear to enter the spirit realm. Tear is equivalent to the Fissure spell in pretty much all ways. You, you can hide in the spirit realm to avoid detection. Necromancers do this all the time, and will send assassins called Reapers through the spirit realm to take out targets. Note that wards will prevent someone from opening a tear, so those need to be disabled first, or the prospective assassin needs to enter our realm outside the warded area.

*New book spoilers* I understand the tears it's just when siwit dies and comments on the spirit realm he says it's similar but faded or drained, how does that correlate to space is it virtually the same; no air, no basic movement without thrust of some sort, etc. When necrotis has her army waiting for the wards to drop in spirit space are they just floating outside a magic wall are they immune to the negative aspects of space cause they live off of spirit magic and don't need to breathe?
In general it correlates to the space around it in the real world, however you are adding a sort of 4th dimension, which is relative distance to the maw where all spirit is recycled into Dream. Siwit wouldn't need to breathe as a wraith in the void, nor would most creatures in the spirit realm.

What happened to the dream and spirit dragon god(ess)? There hasn't been a single mention of them they didn't even get a vagrant ship Krox and Shivan did instead.
There were holes in the Draconic Pantheon long before they conquered the galaxy. It wasn't a bloodless coup, and historians badly want to know what happened to the missing flights. Dream seems like it may have been self-scrubbed, as in the rest of the flights turned on them for some reason, but even mentions of it are vague. It will be covered in upcoming novels. The spirit dragon is still alive. His tame is Tuat, and he dwells primarily in the spirit realm. He was one of the weaker Wyrms, and never favored by his mother. Yet she recognized the need to have Draconic binders, so Tuat became a necessary evil. He thought it was hilarious when Virkonna died recently, and was waiting in the spirit realm to greet her ghost as it was pulled into the maw. He thought it even more hilarious when Nefarius died, but there was no sign of her soul. Not that he expected any. Tuat has no designs at empires, or dragon flights. He craves personal power, and is all about increasing his own worship and magical strength. He will make an appearance in the player's guide.   Khonsu is also male, the Wyrm Father of dreams, and associated with the moon of dream within the great cycle itself. Only Neith is older among the eight siblings.

I thought the earthmother was the oldest? Also does the earthmother have a name it's more of a title?
The Earthmother is the oldest one still spoken of. She has a name, which you’ll see when we tell her story. Neith and Khonsu are both secrets known to very few.

Can divine equipment like Narlifex eventually reshape itself into whatever suits it's fancy? Like when Nebiat changed Krox from a star to a body, can the divine item with enough power craft a new form?
Not exactly. Narlifex and similar divine weapons are locked to their forms, but their forms change as their power and worship fluctuates. So if all the demons who worship Aran and Narlifex believed that the blade could shape shift into a demon, then it would gain that ability. This is already happening to poor crewes. Rumors abound that his armor can also turn into a woman, and that the pair are lovers. Crewes is not amused, but that does nothing to prevent Neeko from gaining the ability to become a woman.

When Aran finished off the Devourer of names, did he just get spellpool or did he get Spirit? Can you also get the special powers/ ability from the Catalyst the fallen god had experienced?
You can take almost everything from a rival god, but in practical terms you're getting a point or points of divinity, and the corresponding divine magic of the type you just ate. Much of the magic is lost when a god is killed and consumed, which bleeds back into the cycle. Aran ended up with 2 points of divinity, and divine spirit magic, which means he now counts as a spirit Catalyst in addition to void and fire.

You wrote some time ago that for catalyst, after some time the magic of the weaker type flips to the stronger one. Does this only apply to dead gods? Or will Arans Spirit or Fire Divinity at one point flip to void?
Magic transmuting to another aspect is generally a conscious choice, unless you have a dead god with a vast reservoir of a sympathetic type.

Once the skull was reunited with the husk, where on the map is Xal? How did it change, if at all, the Catalyst after the Skull and Husk was reunited?
Xal is no longer a stationary Catalyst and has moved 3 times in the last year. Doing so requires a tremendous amount of magic, but they have ample worship to work with. If they need to fight they can, which terrifies Frit, Voria, and well pretty much everyone.

Are inurans and shayans long lived or are they like dragons and as long as they have magic they're good forever?
Shayans and Inurans are effectively immortal so long as they have a source of magic to ingest. However, for some reason every immortal eventually decides to either ascend to full godhood, or pass on to the Great Cycle. A surprising number of powerful archmages get bored after a few centuries, and consider death the next great adventure. Soul fragments can be tracked, so it's possible to find a reincarnation a few decades down the line.

So dragons really are uppity constantly referring to others as mortal like Voria?
Definitely. They think of most other species as ants, because they watched them develop.

Soul frags work for gods also?
Yep. Everyone has a soul.

With Nefarious' help, Inurans develop weapons with ability to absorb magic. So could materials have properties which do the same? Absorb it, perhaps reflect it for defensive protection or utilize it for offensive use, such as powering a weapon system or like a self targeting counter spell, direct it back at opponent? Again, this is basically what the Inuran ships do, yet could it be done either passively by the nature of the materials or actively with technology engineering while not being magical itself? Last question with biggest SPOILER! As there are 8 magical elements each with an opposite (void and life, dream and spirit, water and fire, earth and air), and (another SPOILER alert from Sanctuary, do not go further if you haven't read it)...... Are there any anti-magic principles, materials, elements, etc which exist. This may be a stretch but Reevanthana pulls all life, magic, etc from all world's to create the Cycle, which then becomes the Umbral Depths (brilliant btw), is there anything if that which could be considered anti-magic? Each of the 8 magics has an opposite, what about an opposite to magic itself? Is that just lack of magic, thus non infused tech doing same job as magic considered anti-magic? A lifeform with non inate magical ability considered anti-magical or would there be such an ability or state of existence or power or something to content with magic as an opposite?
The Mage Killer can select cyberware which inhibits magic. This material is expensive, but available for the right price. It adds resistance, which we all love. There's nothing like anti-magic known, but it's a big universe and the rules are written to allow GMs to do whatever they want.

Does Life have a life drain/steal ability like voids magic drain?
No it does not. The very act of reclaiming magic or soul force is spirit. Void simply takes. Dream mimics. Life duplicates.

So slight spoiler for Sanctuary: We know the Life Titan survived. Did any of the others make it to the Great Cycle, or are they still stuck in the Umbral Depths?
I can confirm that no titans, and no gods with a magic higher than 10 stayed in the Great Cycle after the Exodus. More than one titan still lives.

So you're saying there might be some extremely powerful catalysts within the umbral depths if anyone is brave/stupid enough to go looking for them?
There are 100% powerful Catalysts there. Countless Catalysts. Perhaps as many as our own reality.

Does Sanctuary or the Flame of Knowledge have maps of the areas that became the depths? They would be incredibly out of date but may give hints to the locations of celestial bodies if planetary drift is a calculable constant. If not, is there any known way to chart a new course?
Nope. The Flame is far, far younger than the Depths. The Cycle has existed for a very long time, and much has changed within the depths during that time. There are no known charts, and not even a map of the depths as they were before the light was stolen. There are two ways to obtain such a map. Either you get it from Reevanthara, or you make it to Sanctuary and do a little digging. Note that Neith dwells in the depths. It's hard to imagine her not having current maps.

So what happens to the mind of an eldimagus when it's killed and brought back by necromancy like Necrotis' ship? Did the ship have a mind like Narlifex or Ikadra to break?
Either the spirit is soulshackled, or it is removed and a new spirit is shackled into its place. The ship did have a mind. It was a helpful artificer. The spirit passed on into the Great Cycle, and Necrotis constructed a new soul in its place.

When any being morphs are they effectively that races until they morph back? If a wyrm preferred a life as a human could it have offspring with another human and what would happen to those kids? Higher chance of magic, being able to use a dragon breath as a human, or some sort of hybrid changeling form?
This is where Inurans / Shayans come from as a race. Inura became a human, and went to town. His offspring were born with life magic, and many of their offspring had it too. It grew weaker over time, but this is why so many life mages are born on Shaya, and why the Inurans are the sector's chief artificers.

Did we have any other hybrid races that were caused by morphed gods? Like the Eleph?
Any race is possible, but half-races aren't a natural phenomenon. One of the reasons many other races fear humans is that if two races mate and produce offspring it is often a human, even if a human wasn't two of the parents.

So a Shayatin mother and a Demonkin father could have a Human child?
Correct. It's very awkward. Most times they will simply not conceive, but if they do that's the result. Occasionally such children are left with human settlements, or venture there as adults after being raised by one parent or the other. This is a direct result of a power play made by the god who originally created humanity, and can be counteracted magically were two parents interested.

Did comic books make it from Terra? If so with magic being a prevalent thing how did it effect the medium, like in Watchmen instead of superhero comics it was mostly pirate stuff?
It’s been many Millennia since Terra, but yes both Manga and Comics left as part of the culture. Currently Arena based fiction is the most popular, and there are magical comics that will interact with the reader.

So question, and it's a bit of a weird one: Do Shayans have last names? I don't remember any of them having last names on-screen. Even military ranks, which in our world, are commonly Rank: Last Name seem to be Rank: First Name.
Shayans and Inurans do not share their traditional family names, because those are considered of less importance than their shared bloodline with Inura. He discouraged them from having family lines in the hope that they'd come together as a collective people. It didn't work.

Question..... how far into the future is the legacy series from the end of chronicles?
Just under a year. :) Shayan Standard Calendar

Whats a decent estimate on the size of the Great Ships? Mostly length. In my head, I have them about 2km, but could be way off.
hey vary in size, but we're talking super-star destroyers up to baby Death Stars. They're massive, and meant to be mega-dungeons from a GM perspective.

Are there other catalysts than the Skull on the Husk of Xal?
Yes, there are many other Catalysts on Xal, and they will be detailed in the Demotech sourcebook.

Did they train Necromancers at the university on Shaya during the war with the Krox?
No, and they still don't. Necromancers are not welcome on Shaya, and binding is illegal.

What's the 8th Great Ship?
The last ship was constructed by Marid, and I don't believe it's been mentioned or located in the text yet. I don't want to spoil anything, but it will be addressed before the series is over.

Is it the spellship?
The Spellship was built after the Great Ships, and used all the magitech invented in their construction.

Does the spellship have schematics for itself or the other great ship? Could Voria counteract Ducius's fleet of dreadnoughts by creating a new generation of spell/great ships?
There are no known schematics for any Great Ship, because their core requires the sacrifice of divinity. A god has to will it into existence. Voria doesn't have the strength to make her own Great Ship. Her only real hope is recovering the existing ones, unless they meet a much more powerful living god.

How powerful are we talking? I assume that Frit and none of the Demon gods could either?
We need an elder god, like Xal, or of similar power. They exist, but none in the open.

When Nara reclaimed her spellrifle from her previous demon life, was that the equivalent of a tomb and her claiming her grave goods?
Yup. That's the first time I showed the process in the fiction, but it's existed in the lore since the 90s

Worth a thought, but didn't she get the memories in a dream after getting the Blood of Xal? And she needed these memories to get to the rifle in the first place, right?
A tomb and past life enchantment can be woven in many ways, and in rare cases tied directly to a Catalyst. I can't say too much without spoilers, but it will be clear why it happened that way before the end of Magitech Legacy.

Are there other Pantheons?
Yep, this sector is just a tiny slice of the total galaxy, and presumably the rest is filled with other pantheons, fleets, empires, and Catalysts

So not in this Sector. And there can be one or more in other sectors.
There are others in this sector. Many others. But they are usually localized to one isolated world, and many are ignorant of the cosmos at large.

Are there other inhabited planets in the Sector?
Dozens of them, yes. There are lots of tiny colonies, settlements, and stations. Some of them undocumented, or lost for generations.

Will gods reincarnate? Will Virkonna reincarnate as a Hatchling at some point? And if so, does she have a tomb somewhere?
Gods can reincarnate if their souls passes back into the cycle. Sometimes their soul stays with the Catalyst. A goddess of Virkonna's stature will almost certainly attempt to reincarnate, and have squirreled a dozen tombs around the sector to increase her odds.

Do you think she’s already walking around again without memories of who she was?
I don't think. I know.

Do they always reincarnate on the same planet they died? Or could she be anywhere in the galaxy? My players may or may not have discovered one of her tombs on Virkon, so I need to know if they’re gonna have a pissed off goddess to deal with after they’ve looted this tomb which may or may not be Virkonna’s.
They can reincarnate anywhere, and not even just this sector. However, they tend to appear somewhere in the vacinity of a tomb if a tomb exists, so probably in this sector.

Is their species set on reincarnation? Like will she still reincarnate as a hatchling, or could she be a Human or Shayan?
GM's prerogative. You can come back as almost anything. Usually it is the same or similar species for strong souls, but can vary widely. There are even some tales of people coming back as insects as punishment from some annoyed elder god.

Would the insect gain all of her catalysations if it got to one of her tombs? As a fly with Disintegrate would be pretty terrifying.
No. Catalyzations aren't passed on. Just memories, and whatever objects you left behind. Even if you reincarnate you still start as a scrub.

What exactly is the difference between a Krox and a Hatchling?
All wyrms start out their life as Hatchlings and this is the term they use themselfs. The confederacy calls them Krox because of their connection to him, even though they are children of the Earthmother. So the Krox are Earth-Hatchlings. But not all Earth-Hatchlings are Krox.

When Nara was searching the time lines for the spellship, she found a moon sized creature ready to consume any who draw near. Did she just see the Eye?
Yep. Nara saw her first Gorthian. You'll see mention of planetstriders and the Ganog in upcoming legacy books.

That makes my day. I can't wait to hear how Ternus was separated from the rest. It also amazes me the differences between the Helios Gates VS The depths. How long have Humans been in the sector, or is that a part of the cycle that the dragonflights were removed from?
Nolan's sector is another reality from our own, one where nearly all magic has been siphoned from our galaxy. Void Wraith Endgame will have details and fill in a big piece. Ternus launched dozens of colony ships, and it became a huge part of their business. This happened both in Nolan's timeline, and in The Magitech Chronicles. The colony Ternus is simply a colony ship launched using traditional FTL travel. They overshot their destination, and were in cryosleep for millennia. How they woke up, and arrived here, will be covered in the novels, but there will also be a writeup of the history in the player's guide so I'm not spoiling much. Oh and humans have been a spacefaring species for hundreds of thousands of years, but many of those humans did not originate on earth. Human, Hatchling, Otter, Rhino...all genetic templates originate from the Great Cycle, where the gods are no longer allowed to go. They propagated across many galaxies after the diaspora when the gods left the cycle to prevent its destruction.

Are people still praying to Inura and would a covenant be possible?
Yes they are praying. No it is not possible. Yet. If enough people pray, and believe he still exists, then he will become a deity again, conjured by their will. The Memory of the Earthmother is an example of such a deity, and a similar one exists for Shaya.

Could you make a covenant with all or nearly all wyrmmothers/fathers or even the great wyrmmother herself?
They’re dead so you’d be praying to their memories, but many Wyrms do exactly that, especially on Virkon now that Virkonna is dead. Tuat still prays to his mother. He’d never have killed her, and loathes nefarius as a result.

How are credits displayed? Purely digital or is there some physical representation too?
This will be expanded in the player’s guide. Currents are digital, and displayed on comm units. They are used all over the galaxy, and are a relic of the dragonflights. Credits are a form of cryptocurrency, and as soon as a species hit the galactic stage they’re shown how credits work, usually by having their most valuable resources bought for a pittance…in credits.

Are the denizens of the Depths Gorthians?
Maybe. There certainly seems to be a connection.

The Gorthians still serve something else though...
That seems to be implication. Gorthians have been spotted in our universe, which is supposed to be impossible for denizens.

One thing I always wondered, when Voria was on trial after Marid... how come the charges against her didn't include getting her crew drunk in combat? I mean, yeah, they were healing potions, but they were still beer, so... serving alcohol to the troops? "Oh, I've been shot, I'm bleeding!" "Here, have a beer. You'll feel better in no time."
There are no laws against substance abuse in the Confederacy, which means that you can totally fly drunk, and many captains do. Very embarrassing when you hit something in space, since it's mostly empty.

Any mortal can have a Tomb? If yes what's the maximum amount of time the can spend in the spirit realm?
Anyone can have a tomb. The amount of time they have depends on the type and rating of the tomb created.

So say I make it through both the spirit and dream realms, do I immediately come back relatively the same, start over as a baby?
In most cases yes. Some gods prepare for their death, and seed soul fragments. When their soul returns from the cycle it can attach to one of these soul fragments, which means not needing to come back as a baby. For most people, most of the time, you are reborn as a new life and may not be the same species.

Do Seraphims have wings?
Seraphim do not gain wings until full maturity, much like dragon hatchlings. Until that time they appear Inuran / Shayan. As a people, though, the wings are iconic, much like their demonic antithesis.

And matured seraphims can fly in space as dragons can?
They can survive longer in a vacuum, as demons can, but still need to breathe, which Dragons do not do. Wyrms are definitely the apex predators.

We know that one can travel through void and spirit and spaceships are used in the process. Are there other means to travel faster (in Magitech) or other vehicles which can travel through the Umbral Depth? Like some kind of stasis chamber which can travel through it fast?
Many space-faring cultures discovered magic before technology, so with planets like Shaya their ships still look like galleons (not all of them, but a fair number). They are wooden vessels with a bubble of primal air suspended around them, and have a variety of ways to move through the void depending on the magic of the captain. Almost anything you can imagine should be possible. Somewhere, someone thought about a super creative way to get from point A to point B, and they're intent made it reality. This is how Helios Gates, warp drives, the Umbral Depths, and the other realms can all be viable at the same time.   Oh and Translocation costs one temporary divinity, and has an internal cooldown as someone mentioned that.

Is there a way to tell if someone is a reincarnation before that person reaches his tomb?
The short answer is whatever fits the story you are trying to tell, but there are most definitely spiritual markers like a fingerprint. However, someone would need to be familiar with the deceased to compare them.

Will you ever write in a living dream god?
Yes, I do have dream gods coming. They've been there the whole time, but the trouble with dream gods is that they are really, really good at hiding. Shivan was the only known one, and only because he also had potent fire to defend himself in battle.

Also can we use characters from the books or are they trademarked? Like can I harass my characters with Jerek or do I need to make one up or roll one?
You can use any characters from the books, and I know at least one other GM is. He chose to separate the timelines and say that it was in a near possibility, not the reality from the books, but that's your choice to make. At your table, your rules fly.

Which of the circle of 8 concerns mind reading like the male werewolves can do?
Dream, primarily

I have never thought about trying to apply the rules of Magitech magic to the shaping of Deathless. That's really cool. I knew they were connected but never thought about which aspect does what.
Most Ka-Dun abilities are based on life (shifting), blur (air), and mind (dream). Most Ka-Ken abilities are based on stealth (dream), and power (fire). When a shaper uses their abilities they are making a spellcasting check, but if you tried to tell Blair he was casting spells he'd be awkwardly offended.

With ka-ken having access to fire and dream do they have a tendency for divination as a byproduct?
They're much more like war mages. The Mother does have divination so we at least know it's possible.

Is their shadow walking stepping into the dream realm?
Negatory. That's void. I realize it's a bit counter intuitive. Champions have a smattering of powers from many aspects. Note the whispers Ka-Ken hear in the shadows, particularly in book 5. Definitely void. The goal here is to have a "good" and "bad" shadow path Ka-Ken can specialize in. Both will be fully developed in a rules supplement.

And the whispers are the bad?
The Gorthians would argue that the whispers are fine, but they eat planets so they seem biased.

So I haven't yet started the Magitech Legacy series yet, starting back through void wrath right now, so maybe this is answered. But can magic users in magitech access the transformative abilities of the Deathless series or is that something exclusive to the Sol catalyst?
The Ka-Ken, Ka-Dun, and Deathless viruses will all be templates for The Magitech Chronicles. There's nothing unique about Sol, and a mix of artificing and healing were used to create both.

How long was the war against Krox?
Ongoing for decades. It's a series of overlapping offensives that have grown more intense in the last 3 years.

What were the golden teardrops orbiting Voria’s first spellstave? Solidified blood of Shaya? Or something else?
They were called the tears of Shaya, and are similar to amber / tree sap.

How big is a typical Inuran Corvett and a Confederate Battleship?
A battleship is about 400 meters long, and is the largest class of capital ships, or ships of the line. A corvette is the very smallest, and typically runs between 20-40 meters. Because there are no official designations these can vary from planet to planet.

So, Wyrms. Are they all descendants from the original wyrms and those flights? Were there some others we just don't hear about but were hanging on in other sectors? Do they all go back to the Wyrm mother/father?
Most dragons descend from the Wyrmmother, but she was neither the first, nor the most prolific of her kind. There are many other species throughout the cosmos, and your imagination is the only limit.

What would be the stats for a Ganog Elite? Guessing the enlarge ability could be represented with the Enlarge spell once per scene?
I'm not ready to start publishing Void Wraith stats yet, but the entire Ganog Imperium is coming. In the meantime you can use bonecrusher stats when enlarged, and give them one more square / hex of range. A ganog elite will be magnitude 5 base. A Ganog elite generally has a saurian kill squad at their disposal.

What is the limit of the Spellship? And is there any upper limit for an eldimagus?
The Spellship is comprised of many, many smaller items, each with their own independent limit. Certain cannons can fire larger spells. If being used to amplify spells it has a base 25 limit. There is no upper limit to the number of magical materials that can be combined, but the higher than number the greater the artificer needs to be to create it. A titan could easily create an item with 100 limit, but they're sheering off a piece of divinity to do it. In this instance it doesn't need to be comprised of more than one material. The blade of virkonna or worldender meet this criteria.

Is it common the build big things from multiple eldimagus. Will they catalyze independently?
That's correct.

Where can I find information about the Void Wraith collective? Will there be more info on them in the Player's Guide?
The Void Wraith will not be in the player's guide, but there will be a sourcebook eventually, and we'll see development on the World Anvil regardless. Note that the VR collective, and the gorthian collective are not the same things.

It will be a sourcebook for Magitech Chronicle's? I think it might be better for the core universes to come out as a complete game the way Magitech Chronicle's did using the same game mechanics. That way nothing has to be watered down for cross universe game balance.
Completely agree. I plan to follow the White Wolf model. Deathless and Void wraith will be stand alone books playable on their own that use the MGT system

It would be good to have a small paragraph on World Anvil, because Techsmits have allegiance to them.
Let this be a lesson. The loudest mage gets the last mana beer, they say. Here's the system portion. There will also be a historical document in the player's guide that talks about seekers versus techsmiths. The Collective A Techsmith may use the arcanotome to connect to the collective. This connection utilizes a magic or technology that even the smith doesn't understand to allow them to access to a shared reality that overlays this one. While in this reality they pass among the shadowed stacks, where scrolls and books from countless cultures in different universes have been gathered. This library has no beginning or end. It simply is. The Techsmith may search for any piece of information using an investigation check, with a DT assigned by the game master. Need a door code? Someone in the collective knows it, DT 2. Need someone's darkest secret? There's a reality where that's trending, and somewhere someone recorded it, DT 5. Each round the character is in the collective they must make a stealth check DT 1. Failure attracts the notice of a Ganog Seeker or a Void Wraith Strike Team, which will then begin hunting the players down. This acts as a flaw, and if the PC successfully overcomes the attack they will gain a luck.

Is the stealth check based on the normal stealth skill or a special use of one of the techsmith's technical skills? What would be the search DT to find eldimagus schematics for potential 5, 10 and 15 spellitems?
Normal stealth check. It's designed to be easy, but sooner or later you will fail if you stay long enough. If I were GMing the game I'd set the investigation DT at the mark of the schematic. Further, if the techsmith were going in over and over to get schematics I would have either the Ganog or Void Wraith take notice.

If I remember correctly Narlifex can translocate on his own so he is a god as well, but he has only limit 9. How did he become a god? Is the mechanic differs for eldimaguses and characters?
Narlifex is a god, because he is worshipped by many, many, many demons. The blade transcends the stats on the page, which were an earlier version. Basically Narlifex at the end of Godswar

Does this mean that a limit 5 eldimagus can became a god as well or first it needs the raise it's limit somehow?
It needs its limit raised first, but a god like Aran can gradually do that.

So what exactly was different before the great cycle? Were the realms changed? Did possibilities exist before it? Was the only real change just a form of gatekeeping the most unwilling gods and locking them up?
I could write a long, long essay about this. The TL;DR version is as follows... Before the Great Cycle after lives were localized, and each created by a god. If you died and didn't believe, or couldn't have the proper rites performed, then you just stopped existing. That soul was lost. The universe diminished. There were no possibilities. There was only one universe, and so if someone or something died it was nearly impossible to recover. Each recovery cost more net magic than it gained, so the whole of reality was lessened. Reevanthara's big selling point was that souls would persist without need for a covenant. No one else knew or understood how the possibilities would work. They just wanted a larger base of followers.

So if something dies outside their soul is lost forever?
In the Depths, yes, unless it is recovered quickly by a deity or mage.

Hence the existence of soul catchers, even though they are generally reviled, and spells designed to do that work as well?
Yes, exactly. That was their original purpose. They used to be truly sacred.

Did drakkon approve of his mother being the consort of Xal?
Would you be okay with your mother dating anyone, really? I mean do you want to see your mother kiss someone other than your father? I'm sure Drakkon came to the wedding, and maybe even called Xal dad, but they never went to ball games together.   Joking aside the Wyrms got on pretty well with the demons outside the cycle. Much less so within it. They warred constantly.

Can someone remind me if Kem'Hedj is similar to Go or to Chess?
It's Go, however the true version has 3 levels, all fought at once. See Shattered Gods for details.

Which catalyst did Voria get her void magic from?
On Yanthara. Deep within the planet lies the Jet forest. Jet is a rare type of gem that comes not from mineral alone, but also from petrified wood. There are many theories as to what the Jet Forest used to be, but those who go there now can come away with void magic if they survive the labyrinth.

Is Xal the only void catalyst around or did people go to a safer one typically?
There are quite a few of them floating around, especially the low divinity ones. After the battle at the Fist of Trakalon lots of pools of the Blood of Nefarius were flung out into the cosmos and could end up anywhere. Each one of those would be a void Catalyst.

How much influence does she exert on those who partake of Catalyst born from her blood?
Effectively none, but very few people would believe that if they learned the truth.

Was Shaya just an Inuran or was she a daughter of Inura?
She was an Inuran, but an unusual one. More focused on Military efforts than making profits. Though culturally she wasn’t Shayan either. The Shayan culture developed after her death.

Where does the Consortium have its home base/planet? Planet Inura was destroyed by Nefarius?
Yes, the planet Inura was destroyed by Nefarius. Only the three trademoons remain. They have the strict policy that two moons may never be in the same place at the same time.

How old was Kemet before merging with the Word of Xal? Was he below Magic 5?
No specific date is given, but considering the amount of catalysts in the Vagrant Fleet, he was under 100 years old.

Is Kemet a son of Inura?

When in the timeline were the Channer Roughing it tents?
Was invented before the Chronicals books but I couldn't say for how long...

What mail companies are in the universe? I'm gonna have a new player coming into my game soon (playing a goblin) and the way I'm bringing him in, is that he gets around the galaxy by mailing the box he lives in around the universe.
NTM Express is the fastest and most reliable galactic post. They ship freight via NTM vessels throughout the sector. It can take weeks for a package to cross the sector.

What did Yorak's ruby eye do?
It ended up sold through Drifter Rock, and could have ended up in anyone's campaign.

Compared to today's date/era... how long ago did magitech legacy and chronicles take place?
Michael's answer (around 100k Years in the future) isn't far off. A specific date will be given eventually, but not until I release the novel where the dragonflights find earth and you see which timeline they're connected to.

Just had a thought about Ark War... Jordan obviously is in the past at the end of the book and decided to go back to Australia... when he is first going to find the ark lord he sees an anklyosaurus... what if that is in fact himself from the future in the past and he is merely looking at himself without knowing?
You are the 2nd person to correctly guess this, and yes, it will be covered in the Builders lol. You guys are good.

How much would it cost to buy out a Techmage service from the Confederate Navy?
This is done, occasionally, and requires dispensation of the commanding officer (which they don't grant often). The buyout is 10,000 credits, plus the cost of any training, which can be interpreted however the commander likes.

Shattered Gods SPOILER So Xal was born with void magic. When he drink Xalagos's (I think this is the fallen god name) blood his mind got enchanted (some special boost or +1 or more to Reason). At least this is how I interpreted. Later in the book one of the Professors said Xal has Greater Void magic. If I remember correctly you need to choose greater magic as a catalyzation. Following this logic Xal could receive 2 catalyzation or he received only one but it was a huge pack. Can we have an answer which one happened?
Sure, happy to explain exactly how this works. Professors and scholars will refer to "greater" aspect incorrectly. If you have two fire Catalyzations they'll often say you have greater fire, as they did when Xal was tested. Greater Magic and Greater Aspect are two different things. Greater Aspect will matter in terms of divinity. Let's say you went to ten different void Catalysts, and every time got the top tier ability instead of magic. You'd have a 10 magic, but no void resistance, no extra pool, and no ability to cast spells. You have Greater Void, but not Greater Magic. Xal was rolled as a true mage, and per character creation began with 2 void Catalizations, both magic. This gave him Greater Void Magic, which is required for archmages to unlock certain spells. Then he went down to the lake of blood, and received Xal's Piercing Intellect, which raised his reason to 6, and gave edge whenever performing a trial that any of his previous incarnations have done in the past. This is what he's using when playing Kem'Hedj. As an aside in the next book he'll go to 3 more Catalysts. The Breath of Shu (air), The Hoard of Lakshmi (dream), and The Hammer of Reevanthara (earth).

Other than the basics of spellarmor and spellweapons, is there a specific theme/ motif that Paladins of the various deities conform to? Is it the same now as it was during the golden age of the dragon flights?
There might be customs and conventions, but except for the covenant itself, nothing can really be enforced, especially by a dead god.

Weird question: I'm newer to the series, but are there any gay or queer people later on?
You have to work to find them, but they're in all my series. I don't really write sexuality beyond fade to black for main protagonists. However, I do know the sexuality of all characters, and if it's relevant it makes it into the story. At least one character in the first book is LGBT+, but she'd never admit it, because that means talking about feelings. Note that there is a big gay dragon on Virkon (in War Mage I believe), because having growing up watching South Park I wanted a big gay dragon.
Narlifex is the first Spellblade, which conveys a special status. The Spellship is also called “The First Spellship”, however it was built after the Great Ships. Is it a reincarnation of a previous ship too?
Yes, functions exactly as you’d expect. It needs to be rebuild, just as Narlifex, Shakti, and the other Firsts.
How would one steal the Hoard of Lakshmi?
The guardian is bound to it’s current master, and watches over the hoard. If you could overcome her, then you can definitely steal the trove. If she’s unhappy with he current master, she might help you. There is one piece of treasure within the trove necessary to remove, and then the hoard folds into that box for transport. I’ll add those details to the page on WA. If players want to steal it, and are powerful, that would be an incredibly fun adventure to run.

I assume the Blade or Virkonna was created by Shu?
You assume correctly. It is not one of the first weapons, nor is worldender.

So I got an ad for shattered gods on my timeline and had a super cool blurb from an emperor I don't remember how to spell, basically what I got from the writing was undead can't make a connection to an eldimagus. Now is that just for powerful items that he and his guest wield or any? Can a spirit in a new body make the connection?
The Crown of Command is a Divine Eldimagus. An item with its own Divinity. It has, or rather makes its own rules. There is per se no rule that I know of, that prevents Unliving from using Magitech, or vice versa.

Questions about the Artifacts of Creation like the Crown, Celeste's staff, and Thandres' bracelet... Are they going to be explored more? Are they in multiple timelines like Narlifex? (Like could they pop-up in the Magitech Chronicles timeline?) Does each one have its own name and intelligence like Narlifex? Does Rei (sp?) still exist at all, even as a soul, after making them?
I can answer a bit of this here with much in the way of spoilers, but if anyone fears those careful of reading on. There is only one of each of these items. They do not exist in multiple timelines, which is also true of all first weapons. Narlifex is only ever in one timeline at once, but can move between them. This is why they had to go to another timeline to get the First Spellship. Shattered Gods and The Magitech Chronicles are directly connected in the same reality. Rei does still all eight artifacts. Because his soul has simply been transmuted he has never been reincarnated. He's still alive. As for the Stewards and their artifacts? You'll see a lot more of them in book 3 and beyond, but you're starting to see more of them in book 2.

Oh, that brings up a question: When they went to the other timeline to get the Spellship, Rhea did know about Narlifex and even called out its name. How is that?
Yes, that’s correct. That will be fully explained in Magitech Legacy, but I need to work out some things about Nefarius first. That reality is important, and we haven’t seen the last of Kheross.

So quick question. I just started reading Shattered Gods, literally only a few chapters in, is this set in the same reality as Aran and Jereks books just oh millions of years prior? Wasn’t Xal there at the creation of the Great Cycle or am I remembering something wrong.
There is a several thousand year gap of time between when Xal(egos) witnessed the departure from the Great Cycle, and when the protagonist in Shattered Gods is born. Nice to know people are catching that Gateway bit, as it will become relevant in the series. And to confirm Shattered Gods and The Magitech Chronicles are the same reality, just separated by time.

So hypocritical question for the boss man Chris Fox? If Xal’Aran did fight the Death God Tuat who would have won?
Aran would have wrecked Tuat. Like absolutely wrecked him. Tuat knows this, and would have run. There are things about Aran and Nara are that are now hinted at if you've read Deathless or Magitech Legacy, but Aran is now deep into elder god territory. If Aran and Tuat both had regular swords, then Tuat is the better swordsman. But Aran has Narlifex, and that gives him a big edge. If we're tracking skill Tuat was up to something like 11 at the time of his death. Aran's more like an 8. Spoilers below. The piece in Disintegrate was that Narlifex is now planet sized. How did that happen? Seems like kind of a big deal. In Fomori Invasion we learn that the sub-titan Shu passed The First Blade to his buddy Xalegos, because Xalegos needed it for some great struggle. Narlifex is the first blade. It is bonded to a soul, and can only ever be passed willingly to another soul. If the blade is destroyed it will reform from scratch, and grow in power until it has once again Aran has Narlifex. Tuat isn't stupid. He'd peace out the second he had any idea Aran was anywhere in the system.

Awesome thanks for settling it and thought it an interesting question. I wasn’t sure how Aran ranked on the godly scale but figured he was at least mid to upper range considering his worshippers, and that’s not even taking Narlifex into consideration.
It's posts like this that make my day. I put down these tiny details, and it's so gratifying to know that people are catching it all. Without the sword it wouldn't be so one-sided. Tuat was ancient, and quite skilled, even if he didn't love combat like Virkonna.

For deific Eldimagus is it going to be more of a prophesized than locating a tomb for reincarnation? Do deific Eldimagus leave a Catalyst behind when destroyed? What steps would be needed to protect the soul / essence of the Eldimagus because I don't know if a tomb is thematically correct unless it is bound to the tomb of the wielder?
A divine Eldimagus like Narlifex or Shakti is linked directly to a soul, and passes through a cycle just like a soul. No tomb is required, but if the weapon survived, and the owner did not, the weapon is often left in a tomb (like when Nara finds Shakti). Such weapons also leave behind a body, just like a god would when killed. There are still fragments of a planet-sized version of Narlifex floating in the cosmos, even the sword has been reincarnated and rebuilt. If you wanted to prevent someone from reincarnating and gaining their linked weapon you'd need imprison the weapon, rather than destroy it, or it would just rebuild itself. In the case of Narlifex imprisoning would be very difficult since the sword can just translocate.

What happens if you destroy the soul that the weapon is bound to?
The weapon will revert back to the bond preceding the current soul. In the case of Narlifex, it would return to Shu.

can you talk more about Tuat's blade from Disintegrate? Necrotis and a few others mentioned it as being painful to look at or very very terrifying... why? what is his sword?
Almost the entire series takes place in the life realm. Tuat chose to master the spirit realm. His blade isn't just necrotech. It was forged within the spirit realm, and every time he kills someone with it he ads to its power. Observed in the life realm, or dream realm it appears to be a violent whole in reality. The kind of unnatural wonder that drives people to Lovecraftian madness. It simply shouldn't exist in our reality, and all beings sense that instinctively.

In Shattered Gods, what path does Xal start out as? He doesn’t gain Fire until the end of the book, so he isn’t a True Mage. I assume he starts out with some xp, as he has the Blink spell, which unless he was a True Mage he wouldn’t have been able to start with (although he might have a perk for it). This is assuming that the paths are roughly equivalent to Magitech, of course, which may not be true.
Michael brought this up on a call recently, so we went over Xal's abilities. He's got 3 void Catalyzations which I gave him for being a true mage. He was born with 2, and got a 3rd from the lake. The Reactor brings him up to 4, but he couldn't use destruction until then. My logic with each of these characters is that they're sort of in negative xp. They haven't finished building their class, and some are deviating in fun ways, like Xal realizing being a true mage might not be the best path forward. Oh and the paths are identical. All the material we use for Magitech is exactly what I'm doing for Shattered Gods. There are some new paths like druid. Need to get those online, especially once you guys realize what Macha can do.

Did he get one from each of his parents, or did they both come from further back in his ancestry?
Both from his father's side, so basically he inherited greater void.

Is this universe set in the same one as Void Wraiths? Also will I am still on book two of Magitech Chronicles I just wonder how much time has passed between Chronicles and Legacy?
All of Chris 's books share the same Multiverse. Voidwraith is in another universe from Magitech. We don't know exactly how long, but between the end of Godswar and the beginning of Dying World are a few months maximum. Maybe even less.

A few Shattered Gods questions, if I may.....? Spoilers if you haven't read them, including book 2 beta, yet...
I get that Desidria is cursed paranoid, and isn't likely to ever willingly pass on the crown... but even if she wasn't cursed, isn't she still functionally immortal as a demigod? She's unlikely to even die naturally, and if every ruler in her family had been immortal, I imagine that makes any secession pretty violent... so my question is, is it rare for a ruler to reach her level of power and inherent immortality (or close)? Or is there a mechanism for peaceful succession? Book 1 After Xal catalyzed at the lake and returns to speak to his mother, she tells him she'd been to the lake and knew how the hike was, then in Lucretia's interlude in the second book, she stated she could see void and fire in Xal's mother's eyes, so is Xal's mother already capable of destruction magic? Did she catalyze illegally? She never described as having void any other time, only fire as far as I can find. In Book 1, several times in Book 2, it's mentioned that Gateway is the source of fire dust, which Saghir elaborates is made from grinding the fire rubies they find in the area, but in Book 2 when Thandres visits Gateway, her narration states the Heart of Water is somewhere beneath the city. Now from the Reactor catalyzation memory, the Heart of Fire is described as turning the surrounding landscape into a lava fields for a good distance..... so it seems strange, to me, that fire rubies are found in such huge quantities so close to a fully intact catalyst (I'm assuming) of the opposite aspect..... If the answers are "answered in Book 3" or "you're reading too much into it" -- I get it, and I'm sorry for bothering...... Edit because I thought of two more.... Rei's halo over Calmora. The Seraphim call it Heaven and they're described as going there, like it's a separate place.... Is it a catalyst in and of itself? It never mentioned as being one, and I'm not assuming it is, maybe more of like a life-based pocket dimension that only the Seraphim can access? Like a void pocket but life? I'm just trying to understand what it is really... Will the Shade of Lakshmi be delved into more? Her character was very fun, and she mentioned a few tidbits like "fulfilling the bargain" when she spoke to Xal, and then how she looked different to Tissa.... if she has a story, I'd be very interested.....   Answer: Most of the questions are answered through the series. Xal and other PoV characters will go everywhere you're curious about, and places you don't know exist yet. The Heart of Fire and Heart of Water will be touched on in book 3, so you'll see how they're balanced. More spoiler-y stuff below... Xal's mother is one of many mages who went down to the lake illegally. It's a rite of passage to her generation, back when more magical knowledge had survived. She has void, but hasn't used it on the page as she hasn't needed to teleport, and hasn't been in combat. Panya will be revisited. So will Xal's mother. There are several other mages with the potential for destruction that don't report to Lucretia. Gateway is a source of fire dust. So is the Reactor, and anywhere else you find fire rubies. They're all over the blasted lands like the spice on Arrakis. Li will get an up close and personal look at the halo and the Seraphim, and where they go exactly, though that won't be for a couple more books.

Are there any other Catalysts on Earth other than Cthulhu's corpse? And I assume it's water? Maybe dream and/or spirit too? Since Squidward's great grandpa is dead? And actually on the planet, so excluding the Eye of Ohm (which seems to be a catalyst for every aspect? Did I misinterpret?
No one has made the connection yet, but the Arks are builder-made Catalysts. They store any of the eight aspects in different locations, so they can be fully functional magical factories. The Proto-Ark is also a Catalyst. And there is also a certain prison that would qualify. Beyond that there are dozens and dozens of magical locations. These are not true Catalysts, but areas steeped in magic, where wonders are possible, or people might even gain abilities.

What is Saghir's relative age compared to the humans? They're mid-late teens (maybe?), and while Saghir sounds older, he seems similarly exposed to the world, implying he's comparably aged. BTW...... made me a little sad when you wrote that he knows his kind don't live as long as humans....sad for Friend Saghir...... So that being said.... have you determined the ratkin lifespan?
Ratkin are the shortest lived Shaldeen with an average age of 65, versus 70-75. Saghir doesn't know this, but this isn't because Ratkin are any different than other races. They just have a much higher casualty rate, because they are so much smaller. Every time a god-souled goes to a Catalyst their life is extended by 10 years. Every time a non-god-souled goes to a Catalyst their life is extended by five years. Saghir has already been to four, with lots more on the way. He's about the same age as the rest of them, but parts of his childhood are based on my own. When you see the kinds of things I have seen at the age of 2 it changes you. You never fit in with children again, because you aren't a child. Saghir has seen some shit

Does the age increase from Catalyst also apply to the ones people are born with? Do ratkin have a lower attribute maximum for physical attributes like strength than other races?
Any Catalyzation will extend life, and this includes the on you are born with. Ratkin have no special penalties to attributes, because no races do, and we're sticking with simplicity. The average rat can list more than their bodyweight, and proportionally is stronger than a human.

Questions about the Artifacts of Creation like the Crown, Celeste's staff, and Thandres' bracelet... Are they going to be explored more? Are they in multiple timelines like Narlifex? (Like could they pop-up in the Magitech Chronicles timeline?) Does each one have its own name and intelligence like Narlifex? Does Rei (sp?) still exist at all, even as a soul, after making them?
I can answer a bit of this here with much in the way of spoilers, but if anyone fears those careful of reading on. There is only one of each of these items. They do not exist in multiple timelines, which is also true of all first weapons. Narlifex is only ever in one timeline at once, but can move between them. This is why they had to go to another timeline to get the First Spellship. Shattered Gods and The Magitech Chronicles are directly connected in the same reality. Rei does still all eight artifacts. Because his soul has simply been transmuted he has never been reincarnated. He's still alive. As for the Stewards and their artifacts? You'll see a lot more of them in book 3 and beyond, but you're starting to see more of them in book 2.

Oh, that brings up a question: When they went to the other timeline to get the Spellship, Rhea did know about Narlifex and even called out its name. How is that?
yes, that’s correct. That will be fully explained in Magitech Legacy, but I need to work out some things about Nefarius first. That reality is important, and we haven’t seen the last of Kheross.


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