Meaning of the characters' names in The Magical University of Lille | World Anvil

Meaning of the characters' names

Welcome to the Magical University of Lille! Best university in France, its lecturers wage a fierce competition for promotions. The recent arrival of the Chosen One thrust lecturer Adélaïde into the high-stake politics she has tried so hard to avoid. Soon, both the king and the Dark Lord take interest in her... Come read about hers struggle and the world in which she lives!
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Family names come from the type of magic practised by the family. Everyone is knowledgeable about name meanings and are able to use them to guess the type of magic practised by them.

Each name can have several meanings; those presented here are the meanings that apply to those particular families.   Principal source for French family names:

People from the North of France

  Jameux: Master Adélaïde Jameux a lecturer at the University of Lille specialised in warding, and her parents Aurélie and Pierre, jewellers. Name worn in Bretagne. Meaning a jeweller, from old French "jame" meaning "gem".

Lefebvre: Master Delphine Lefebvre, a lecturer at the University of Lille specialised in blacksmithing, her wife Vadéline and their son Nicodème. Meaning "blacksmith". One of the 15 more common family name in French, especially in Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardie.

Laguillon: Master Isadora Laguillon, a lecturer at the University of Lille. Variant of a name worn in Picardie (Laguillier), meaning a tailor, dressmaker, from old French "aguille", meaning needle.

Catteau: Rémi Catteau, one of Adélaïde's student, his mother Valentine, head cook at the University of Lille and her husband Justin. Common name worn in the Nord, meaning castle from "catel" in Picardie's dialect.

Lesage: Madame Madeleine Lesage, secretary of the president of the University of Lille. From "sage", "wise", "learned", "expert" in French.

Tison: Monsieur Jacques Tison, the president of the University of Lille, specialised in fire magic. Name worn in the Nord, meaning "cinder".

Ligné: Master Eustache Ligné, lecturer at the University of Lille, specialised in weaving. Name worn in Picardie. Meaning a place where flax is grown ("lin" in French).

Faidherbe: Obéline Faidherbe, a lecturer at the University of Lille, a herbologist. Name worn in the Nord and Belgium, from "herbe" meaning "grass", "herb".

Tellier: Master Germéline Tellier, a lecturer at the University of Lille working in clothing enchantment. The name is mostly worn in Normandy, it means a weaver, coming from "tela" meaning "toile".

Wauquier: a young woman attending Adélaïde's class, her family is less important than de Toulouse Name worn in the Nord, from the German "Walcher", with "walah" meaning "foreigner" and "hari" meaning "army".

Tugault: One of Adélaïde student, his family is active in politics in Picardie. Name worn in Picardie, from the German "Tugwald", with "tugan" meaning "to serve" and "waldan" meaning "to govern".

Leclercq: a young woman taking Adélaïde's class, her father is a colonel in the army. Name worn in the Nord, from the Latin "clericus", meaning "well read", "edicated".

Elleboudt: A family with several fencing master, their heir is attending the University of Lille. Name worn in Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Belgium, from the German "Agilbold", with "agil" meaning "blade of a sword", and "bald", "bold" meaning "bold", "daring". Le patronyme se rencontre en Belgique et dans le Nord-Pas-de-Calais. Variantes : Elebaut, Ellebode, Ellebood, Elleboode.

Lecoeuvre: Professor Michel Lecoeuvre, a professor in the universty of Lille, a chemist. Name worn in the Nord, from old French "cuevre", meaning "copper".

Astier: an astronomy lecturer in the University of Lille. Name worn in several regions. From the Latin "Asterius" from "aster" meaning "star".

Pourré: Professor Jacinthe Pourré, professor in the University of Lille, studying farming techniques. Name form the Pas-de-Calais, from old French "poré" meaning "leek", designing a seller of vegetables. "Jacinthe" French first name meaning "hyacinth"

Ardibus: Monsieur Josien Ardibus, an employee of the University of Lille working on earthenware. Rare name found in Indre. From Latin, meaning "arts" and so designing craftsman.

Debruyne: Professor Martin Debruyne, a doctor and professor at the University of Lille. Name from the Nord and Belgium. Flemish name designing someone with brown hair.

Dubois: Professor Virgéline Dubois, a professor at the university of Lille, a painter and developed new paints. One of the 10 most worn family names in France. From "bois" meaning "wood".

Caramiaux: Professor Lucilien Caramiaux, a music professor at the University of Lille. Name worn in Nord-Pas-de-Calais, designing a player of the musical instrument "chalumeau", a shepherd's flute, from old French "calamel" and its variant "caramel", from Latin "calamus" meaning "reed"

Maréchal: Monsieur Nathanaël Maréchal, an employee of the University of Lille working with animals. Very common name, especially in the Nord, from the French "maréchal-ferrant", meaning "ferrier".

Picquendar: Monsieur Picquendar, a student in Rivoire, de Toulouse and Catteau's class. The name is worn in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. Meaning a solider armed with a pike ("pique" in French), from old French "piquenart".

Pagnère: Madame Pagnère, a teacher of artefact crafting in the University of Lille. This name is worn in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. Meaning: a maker of baskets ("paniers" in French).

People from the rest of France

  Rivoire: Monsieur Flavien Rivoire, the Chosen One and one of Adélaïde's students. Name worn in Rhône-Alpes. Chosen meaning "river" (real meaning from Latin "robur", a wood of oak trees).

Flahaut: King Bernard Flahaut, the French king. Common names in the Nord, from the German "Fladwald", "flad" meaning "purity", "brightness", and "walden" meaning "to govern".

De Toulouse: Aymeric de Toulouse, one of Adélaïde's students, Hortense de Toulouse, one of the king's advisors, and Genevieve de Toulouse, her wife. Name meaning from the city of Toulouse.

Arloing: Madame Arloing, one of the Dark lord's solider. The name is rare and worn in Allier. Possible meaning: from German "Erlwin", with "erl" meaning "noble", "warrior" and "win" meaning "friend".

De Gaudriault: Ludovic de Gaudriault, the Dark lord. From the German "Waldric", with "walden" meaning "to govern" and "ric" menaing "powerful".

Berthier: Clothilde Berthier, the Dark lord main lieutenant. Name common in Bourgogne and around Lyon, from the German "Berhthari", with "behrt" meaning "brilliant" and "hari" meaning "army".


The Chinese

  Gōngsūn Zhèngqīng: one of the Chinese envoys. First name Zhèngqīng (正清), meaning "upright", "honest" and "incorruptible." Gōngsūn (公孫 (公孙)) meaning "Dukes' descendants", an address of the noble descendants in the Spring and Autumn period.   Xiàhóu Wēi: one of the Chinese envoys. First name Wei (威), meaning "boldness" and "ability". Family name, Xiàhóu (夏侯) meaning "Marquess Xia", coming from the noble title granted to the descendants of Yu the Great by Duke of Lu in the Spring and Autumn period   Shàngguān Yì: one of the Chinese envoys. First name Yi (艺), meaning "art", "skill". Family name Shàngguān (上官) meaning "high governor".

The Prussians

  Frau Wölber: the Prussian queen's envoy to the Dark lord. A German name. Possible meaning: "walt" meaning "power", "might" and "bero" meaning "bear".

Queen Friederike of Prussia

The Flemish

King Guillaume named after the first few kings of the Netherlands monarchy

The Austrian

Streiff: Magier Hugues Streif, an envoy from the Austrian Empire. Name from old German "Streif" meaning "to roam"," to attack" or "a patrol". Hugo, German first name meaning "mind", "spirit".


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