Yullundry Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Yullundry is at the southern end of the Coast Road on the northern bank of the Tailamuli River. The river flows out of the Milkapiti Hills, which have become well-known in the past decade for their ores and gems. Many miners work in the hills and ship their results down to Yullundry.   The area between Birriwa and Yullundry is some of the best cropland in the country, and many people make a living producing cabb’e beans and cocoa beans, which are the basis for popular drinks in Kaldiloora and other, more-distant, places. Some villages instead concentrate on spices, such as cloves and nutmeg, and trees are logged for their wood. Parara has encouraged more trading ships to stop in Yullundry, and her efforts to get the port in good condition, with officials and workers to see to the ships that come in, are having a good effect on the town’s popularity and the income of its residents.   A grove of fruit trees in a valley a few miles from the town is used as a ritual location for Possum, creator-spirit of earth and plants. It is particularly popular for local weddings, but each group takes care to leave the grove no different than they found it so all can appreciate its sumptuous beauty. Another area nearby is full of flowering trees and many locals make the trek out to it to invoke Parrot, the trickster, who is the creator spirit of all strange and colorful things.


Yullundry, House of

Chieftain Parara

chieftain appointed by prince

9,289 (almost all Kaldilooran)

Owning Organization


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