Wood Elves Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Wood Elves

The wood elves are the seemingly feral remnant of the elves that neither followed the ways of Valenthlis nor chose to depart eastern Akados during the Second Exodus. They usually live in small, isolated enclaves scattered in woodlands throughout central and eastern Akados. While they may be less overtly hostile to humans than their wild elf cousins of the Green Realm to the west, these sylvan folk are nonetheless more prone to isolationism and insular defense of their territories than the high elves. Usually, conflict is the result where human settlements encroach on wood elf lands. The one exception seems to be around Bard’s Gate, where the wood elves of the region hold the queen of Parnuble in high regard and respect the peaceful relationship she has engendered with the local humans. As a result, the occasional wood elf can even be seen walking the streets of Bard’s Gate.   Wood elves tend to be shorter than high elves, slightly stockier, with darker earth-tone skin, and hair of dark brown or muted auburn, and eyes of black, brown or, occasionally, leaf green. Unlike their kinfolk, some wood elves are able to grow beards.   Compared with their high elf kin, wood elves tend to have somewhat cruder technology but are more in touch with nature and druidic magic. In point of fact, they usually have a haughty disdain for most high elves and look down on half-elves as half-breeds. They get along with gnomes, have a neutral to slightly-hostile attitude toward humans and halflings, and actively dislike half-orcs and dwarves. Like their other cousins, they hate drow. Being quite an insular folk, the wood elves or grey elves and would be both fascinated by and cautious of such folk.


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