Warsley Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Warsley is a small burh and shire west of the Cumorian Mountains. Passage over the mountains being difficult (due to both physical barriers and the humanoid and other residents of the peaks), the town is largely isolated from the rest of the Helcynngae Peninsula other than by sea travel. Said to be the home of the Waershael, one of the original seven clans of the Heldring, the town today plays little part in the politics of the peninsula. It makes its way hosting ships traveling the southern coast of Akados at its docks, doing a decent business in trade and providing services to sailors and merchants; the Tangled Rigging, a dockside tavern, is a particular favorite among those who frequent the docks in Warsley. Fishing vessels leave from its port each morning and bring home their catches in the evening, and various grains are farmed in the fields between mountain and coast. As long as Warsley continues to pay its taxes to Kingsgardt, the rest of the Heldring mostly ignore the town, a state of affairs quite satisfactory to Warsley as well.   There have been the occasional troubles with the denizens of the Cumorian Mountains, however, and Warsley fought a mountain war with the goblins 20 years ago. Giants can also be a threat to outlying communities, and the fyrd has had to be raised in defense more than once in recent years.   The Althorne family has held the shire for many generations. The current ealdorman, Raegan, succeeded to the title last year after the ship his mother was on sank in a storm. The Vale, a small idyllic valley, lies north of the town.


Warsley, Town of

Ealdorman Raegan Althorne


3,470 (Heldring)

goblins, orcs, and giants from the Cumorian Mountains

Common, Helvaenic

Eostre and Tyr

trade, fishing, grains (wheat, barley, oats, potatoes)

Heldring, barter

Technology Level
Dark Ages

Owning Organization


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