Vanigoths Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The Vanigoths are a large but widely dispersed nation of human barbarians predominantly found in the Wilderland Hills and The Plains between the Lorremach Highhills and the Forlorn Mountains. They are most likely mixed descendants of Heldring invaders and the pre-Hyperborean tribes of The Plains of Sull.   It is extremely rare for the disparate Vanigoth tribes to unite under a leader, although they have their own king in the fortress of Aen Vani deep in the Wilderland Hills. The Vanigoths take battle-trophies from their victims, usually the head and some other trophy, often a hand or finger.   The Vanigoths speak their own language of Vanigothic derived from a mixture of Old Sulli and Helvaenic, although most of them can communicate in a rudimentary Common.


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