Tower of Acregor Building / Landmark in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Tower of Acregor

The Tower of Acregor was originally constructed for Acregor Ironclaw, the half-troll king of Acregor who first unified the humanoid tribes of the Dragon Hills. He intended it to be his burial monument.   Built of white marble, the blocks for the tower were scavenged from the ruins of the elven city of Aranost. Though now nearly 1,000 years old, it seems brand new. The tower itself is 50 feet tall and has no windows and only a single entrance — a pair of massive doors carved from ivory. No tales are told of what may be inside the tower. It is, in fact, unknown if Acregor is even buried here, as the chaos after his assassination left the fulfilment of any such plans in doubt.




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