The Sea Dagger Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

The Sea Dagger

The northern peninsula of Ramthion Island, the Sea Dagger got its name from its characteristic shape jutting out into the Sinnar Ocean as well as from the proclivity with which the rocks at its northern tip cut into the hulls of ships unfamiliar with its waters. Most of the peninsula is swampy and difficult terrain, which made it ideal as a barrier to guard the Ramithi pirate clans when they dwelt in their fortress on Kapichi Point. Despite the ominous terrain, these marshes don’t share the same sinister reputation as those at the island’s southern end, and for many years after the Oceander invasion they served as a hiding place for Ramithi resistance fighters. With the construction of the Damerhold, however, any patches of resistance that once resided here have largely been rooted out.


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