The Abyss Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

The Abyss

The Akadonian continental shelf extends about 50 miles off the coastline of the Xha’en Hegemony. It is there that the Kingdom of Caerulea flourishes and most of their settlements exist. Other undersea kingdoms and groups prefer these relatively shallow waters as well due to their tolerable temperatures and teeming sea life. Beyond the shelf lies the somewhat deeper and colder Akadonian Plateau that extends for another 100 miles before giving way to the steep continental slope. The Caeruleans maintain some settlements and fortresses on the plateau, and nomadic nereids, merfolk, devil rays, and related species travel here frequently. It is the black, cold open waters beyond the continental slope that fill the Caeruleans with dread.   Several deep trenches extend from the continental slope, but none is deeper than that directly opposite the Xha’en coastline and the sea kingdom’s frontier. This deep, known only as the “Abyss,” is known to harbor forces that terrify the Caeruleans and (should they ever become known) the surface world as well. Here, in absolute darkness, protected by miles of cold, deadly water, dwell the aboleths — creatures that may have existed from the dawn of time, possibly even before the coming of the gods. Though these monstrous tentacled beings are rarely seen, their appearance inevitably heralds horror and disaster, as they or their twisted minions emerge from The Abyss to take prisoners or ravage the upper reaches of the sea for their own alien, incomprehensible purposes. It is known, though rarely spoken of openly, that the Caeruleans have fought several disastrous wars with the horrors, though details are scarce. The merfolk do not like to speak of these creatures and their ways, possibly because some of their own number were taken and enslaved in wars, then sent back to plague the merfolk.   The extent of The Abyss is not known for certain. A few especially brave tritons have ventured into its upper reaches and reported the presence of other creatures almost as disturbing as the aboleth. No one is certain whether these others are in league with the aboleth, but stories suggest the presence of grindylows, aquatic undead, sea demons, and even dark, twisted merrow who lurk in the deep, plotting vengeance against those who exiled them. These last are often associated with the legendary sea-witch Awalea, though most “sensible” merfolk believe she is nothing more than a myth designed to frighten naughty youngsters into obedience. However, a few claim to know better …


The Abyss
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