Stavropol Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Stavropol, the northernmost city of the Buntesveldt, sits at the end of the long trade road from the port towns on the Gulf of Akados far to the south. The footprint of the city is much larger than needed for its resident population, which provides for ample room should the people of the countryside need to take shelter here. It boasts high, thick walls to defend against any nomadic marauders who might assault the city. Some 900 miles from the nearest city of Morborg, the people of Stavropol know that in the event of an emergency, no help will be able to arrive quickly, if it arrives at all. That fact has led to a high degree of self-sufficiency among the people here, in addition to the creation of careful alliances with nearby nomadic tribes and a different perspective on security than the other cities near the coast.   Outside the city, large estates held by boyars grow various crops and provide pastureland for sheep and cattle. Trade routes run from here to the north, and it is not uncommon to see traders from Brounthia, Monrovia, and even farther to the north arrive in laden caravans at the city gates.   Graf Ingevni Plutovsky rules the region with an iron will. He is well aware that the wealth that passes through his city via trade, which fills his coffers, also presents an attractive target to those with the ability to take it. He is constantly scheming to ensure that Stavropol gets the best of any arrangement. And in point of fact, he is not above exaggerating the risks and perils to the city in order to strengthen his grip on the reins of power.   The northern verge of the Irkainian Desert is not far from Stavropol, and occasionally creatures of the deep sands find their way this far north. A small keep is maintained close to the desert to watch for any incursions and to mobilize the army should such an event arise. The keep is also used as a base for certain explorers and adventurers who seek things that may be hidden in the desert, or who need a place to rest before continuing a journey farther to the east or up to the north.


Stavropol, City of

Graf Ingevni Plutovsky

hereditary lordship

7,580 (6,105 Irkainian, 620 hill dwarf, 400 Erskaelosi, 220 Ashurian, 135 half-orc, 100 Foerdewaith)

Owning Organization


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