Shir Meadows Building / Landmark in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Shir Meadows

Though the vast bulk of the Breams are windswept rock, with some patches of twisted trees, scrub, and lichen, the valley between Mount Kor and Mount Shir is an odd (and some would say arcane) exception. Here, dense pine forest surrounds a series of alpine meadows, full of wildlife and rich, rugged beauty. A clan of good fey are said to dwell here apart from the rest of the world and protected by a small sect of human Koui druids. These druids defend the area against intruders and keep the area healthy, while dwelling in the caves that are found among the crags of Mount Shir. The Koui themselves hold the meadows sacred and come here only in solemn religious pilgrimages in the late spring. Once there, they leave offerings to the fey and the druids, engage in quiet prayer and enjoy the beauty before returning home. The Castorhagi are interested in the meadows but are wise enough not to violate them for fear of offending the Koui and possibly triggering an incident with the Anari or the Xha’en.


Shir Meadows
Geographic Feature
Owning Organization


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