Shilon Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


This city-state’s area is primarily in the high foothills of the Scythirian Mountains, at the edge of Shamash Kush, where two large marble quarries are maintained. One is a surface quarry along the sides of several tall hills, where the revealed light marble stands out among the dark trees. Switchback roads allow workers and wagons to travel up and down to cut the great pieces of marble and then bring them down from their high locations. This is called the Kileab Quarry, after the village at the base of the earliest hillside quarry.   The other is called the Doffi Quarry, and it is entirely underground. It has the same switchback roads, and a village at the base of a hill, but little else on the surface indicates the existence of a quarry there. Underground, though, the quarry has branches, turns, and drops that take it over a mile deep inside the hill.   Given the proximity of all that marble, Shilon is also home to many sculptors. In the days of the Hyperborean Empire, some of the best sculptors in the world lived and worked in the city-state. They produced large statues, busts of kings, architectural carvings, and many other elegant works in marble. In fact, Shilon developed one of the few arts academies in the world whose teaching is primarily sculpture, with drawing and painting receiving less emphasis. The Antioch Academy of Sculpture and Arts also has a sculpture museum that includes examples of antique marble statuary and items from Khemit, Jaati, and other places. Today, in addition to plain marble as well as sculptures being sold around the world, marble from other places is transported to the academy to be carved by the master sculptors there.   Shilon is close to the dwarven kingdom of Shamash Kush, and the depth of the Doffi Quarry has fueled rumors of a connection between the two, though nothing certain has been proven. In general, relations with the dwarves are good, and from time to time the people of the city-states and Shamash Kush have been known to cooperate where their interests align.   The city-state is governed by a podest (or “power”). He oversees a great council of 17 representatives elected from various districts of the city-state to communicate and implement the podest’s plans. The great councilors in turn elect six of their number to form a minor council that directly advises the podest. The podest serves a one-year term, though the position can possibly be renewed; he is most often nominated by the advisors but is voted on by the citizens. Given the podest’s supreme power in the government, a neutral party is often desired, and so the position frequently goes to a foreigner who is less likely to favor one guild or political faction above others. Notable people from Ur or Ifthaaz are often chosen; the current podest is from Gibbathon in eastern Ifthaaz.   The people of Shilon worship several deities whose aspects include knowledge or art such as Yenomesh, Thyr, Jamboor, and Dre’uain. The Mah-Barek sect of Marwan is also very active here, worshipping with colorful paintings, displays of what they call “living sculptures,” and even demonstrative dance.


Shilon, City-State of

Podest Tishri Vizqorseh

podest and great council

39,511 (almost all Antiochian)

Owning Organization


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