Selleh-Fashar Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


This isolated oasis, covered with miles of date palms, is part of the caravan route from Upper Khemit and other southern countries north to Pharos or to Guurzan. It trades in dates, olives, and oil, and the townspeople are said to know the locations of silver mines (in the southern Harh-Ahu-Ra Hills) they try hard to keep secret from outsiders. If queried, the locals say they get the silver from Qesh or Meroë, but oasis natives casually wear enough silver jewelry to make that claim very questionable. The small population here is closely related to the desert tribes of Guurzan, and a few don’t even speak Khemitian but only their own obscure language.   A notable structure is a temple of the Oracle of Amun, the ram-headed god of sky and sun. Believed to have been built early in the 10th Dynasty, even leaders of the Hyperboreans could attest to the veracity of its predictions, for they were known to consult it from time to time. (Its existence was hidden from the hated crusaders, however, as the priests reasonably feared its destruction by those single-minded folk.) Consulting oracles is not much in vogue in recent centuries, though, and the temple has deteriorated from lack of support.


Selleh-Fashar, Town of
Administrator Ateneru


1,552 (mostly Khemitite)
Owning Organization


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