Seething Jungle Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Seething Jungle

This jungle lies in southern Libynos, to the west of the Hollow Spire Mountains and along the southwest coast of the Reaping Sea. Most of the interior is unknown to any but local tribes, though rumors exist of vine-covered ruins deep in the jungle, suggesting the existence of an advanced civilization in ancient times.   The tree canopy is continuous, or nearly so, and allows little sunlight to reach the ground. The verdant canopy is full of animal life, including hundreds of types of birds, dozens of varieties of monkeys and other small climbers, and the ubiquitous tree snakes. Wild boar and deer are plentiful on the jungle floor, as are the jaguars that prey on them, but there, too, snakes are abundant. In fact, the disproportionate population of snakes is part of what gives the Seething Jungle its name, and also makes it so dangerous. Many types are not venomous, but with so many varieties not even the locals can be said to know all of them.   The indigenous people in the eastern part of the Seething Jungle live simple lives in small, rudimentary villages and are generally peaceful. The east-central area of the jungle has an ominous reputation, though, so in reality these gentle people have established themselves in an area where they are unlikely to be pressed by other tribes. Farther south and west, toward the Kulgera Ridge, the tribes are more aggressive, and likely to live in more-sophisticated villages or even towns. They have more contact with travelers from Kaldiloora or Tulyamin and actively participate in trading relationships with these countries. The farthest western portion of the jungle, in the upper part of the Totono River, is home to several groups of tabaxi. The cat-people’s range extends across the Kulgera Ridge, where more tabaxi can be found living among the River Peoples.


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