Saruca Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Saruca is a mining town in a rich part of the Murat Hills. The mines bring in various types of gemstones, gold, and iron, while marble is also quarried in the area. Mines in some other areas have trouble finding people in Numeda willing to do the work, as many natives are uncomfortable underground. Amira Piyala avoided this by following the policies of her predecessors and hired people from other countries to work in the shafts. Mines around Saruca are staffed by laborers from Khemit, Aethiope, the Channel Lakes region, some of the Antioch City-States, and even dwarves from some underground kingdom near Ur.   Towns in the amira’s area try to treat these foreign miners well; market stalls even stock foods from their own cultures to make them feel at home. Some Numedans from tribes of the southern desert sneer at the miners as “ground grubbers,” but mining townspeople are quick to correct them. Rather than being mere diggers, these people are mostly specialists whose work produces wealth for the Numedans. The mines have connections with traders who have connections with merchants who have connections with gemcutters, sculptors, or others who can craft the raw materials into valuable items.


Saruca, Town of

Amira Piyala


3,963 (2,121 Numedan, 1,810 other human ethnicity, 32 dwarf)

Owning Organization


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