Salt Tide Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Salt Tide

The village of Salt Tide consists of a half-dozen families, all of whom work in the extensive saltworks that lie along the shore. Many other saltworks are located along the coasts and in the swamps of Ramthion Island, but Salt Tide is renowned for producing the whitest and most uniform crystals. The villagers of Salt Tide were long considered to be tenants of the principal clan-chief of the Ramithi, but they are now in the employ of the island’s Oceander governor-general. They make a pittance for their backbreaking labor, but consider one tyrannical lord much like another, and go about their business in isolation save for the weekly ships that arrive to pick up loads of salt.


Salt Tide, Village of

321 (270 Ramithi, 51 Oceander)

Village Headman Natch Prumble

village headman appointed by office of the governor-general to enforce absolute rule

Owning Organization


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