Sacred Table Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Sacred Table

>Sacred Table The Sacred Table is a high plateau in the northern part of the Scythirian Mountains. According to legend, it was once a green valley among the towering peaks, but today it is a desert, flat and hot in the glare of the sun with no shade except the shadow of the surrounding mountains. Toward the eastern part of the plateau are the ruins of the ancient and sacred city of Tircople. Near the edges of the plateau on the north, south, east and west are the ruins of four other fortresses built after the First Crusade to protect the holy city from attack from any direction. Their names are still recalled by a handful of priests, sages (especially in the Antioch City-States), and a few of the island inhabitants of the Crusader Coast.   In the west, overlooking what was once the eastern end of the pilgrim road, stands the ruined Tower of the White Lady. The Tower of the Silver Star — the most intact — guards the northern edge. In the east, the Tower of the Scarlet Hand appears almost intact when seen from the Wasted Desert below, but the western side is crumbled to a pile of rock. To the south, rubble is all that is left of the Tower of the Upright Deed; it was practically razed by the Huun when they held the plateau for almost a decade before the Fourth Crusade.   Also on the plateau stand the remains of the Yellow Keep. Built by the Huun during their siege of Tircople before the Second Crusade, it was not only the headquarters of their interdiction but also a way to taunt the frustrated defenders by torturing prisoners and hanging them from its ramparts. The Crusaders completely destroyed the walls but the foundations are still visible, although part seems to have fallen into some sort of pit or sinkhole below.


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