Rojhah Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Rojhah is one of the oldest cities in the Hegemony, and for a time threatened to eclipse Xha’ahan as the region’s dominant state. Seeing the futility of a long, drawn-out military or economic conflict with their rivals, the folk of Xha’ahan chose the diplomatic route and formed alliances and trade relationships with Rojhah that eventually led to the formation of the Hegemony. The union proved prosperous to both sides, and now Rojhah is a wealthy, cosmopolitan settlement in the middle of the fertile Plains of Xha.   Though halflings often fare poorly in competition with humans in the Hegemony, Rojhah and its environs represent a better life for many small folk. Halfling farms dot the countryside, a thriving halfling quarter boasts shops, merchants, inns, and restaurants, and several regiments of halfling bowmen and slingers can be found in Rojhah’s army.   Rojhah is not an especially attractive city, with ancient weathered walls and vast, dingy stands of undistinguished buildings and streets that are often choked with commerce and filthy with the passage of countless thousands. Even the grand palaces of the wealthy and the stern government structures are strangely mundane. All the same, Rojhah is a vital city with an ancient and vibrant culture — music, opera, sculpture, and ceramics are all considered the finest in Xha’en lands, drawing visitors and patrons from all across the vast lands of the Hegemony. The Rojhah Opera House has been the scene of many classic performances and the premieres of numerous shows that went on to become enduring classics.


Rojhah, City of

Prince Inodaren su Ber

hereditary monarchy

420,000 (325,350 Xha’en, 85,000 Halflings, 9,000 hill dwarves, 250 Senge, 100 half-elves, 300 others)

Technology Level

Owning Organization


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