Rheman Ethnicity in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The Rhemans are the original inhabitants of The Plains of Reme. A nomadic, horse-riding folk, they are distantly related to the Hundaei of old and their descendants, the Shattered Folk of The Haunted Steppes. Since time immemorial, they have been divided into groups of extended and interconnected families known as Loreclans.   Many Rhemans continue their nomadic traditions today and live on the endless plains of Reme. The largest of the nomadic Loreclans include the Grass Sailors, the Quick Knives, the Stone Faces, the Thunder Riders, the Stone Walkers, and the Beast Takers. However, the close relationship between Reme and Foere over thousands of years has, without doubt, changed the character of Reme. Today, roughly a third of the humans in the grand duchy have some degree of Foerdewaith ancestry, although these are clustered mostly in cities, towns, and other substantial settlements. Adoption of Foerdewaith culture is more widespread in Reme than actual Foerdewaith ancestry, for the cultural impact of Reme’s alliance of convenience with Foere extended into the Loreclans of The Plains as well as the cities. The common tongue is used as a trade language to overcome Loreclannic dialects of Kirkut, jewelry is heavily influenced by Foerdewaith craftsmanship, and — perhaps oddly, perhaps not — plays and music from Foere are performed enthusiastically by amateur troupes even deep in The Plains by purely nomadic Loreclans.   The connection between the Rhemish Loreclans and the Shattered Folk is not just one of ancestry, however. Every 50 years, families among the Shattered Folk beyond the Crynnomar Gap are permitted to petition for a right to settle in the Rhemish plains, and a lottery is held to determine who may immigrate. Those permitted to settle usually join existing Loreclans in The Plains of Reme, though occasionally they may form new clans with a direct grant of range lands to be held thereafter.   Much like their kin among the Shattered Folk, Rhemans have skin tones that range from a burnt sienna to mahogany and have almost universally straight, black hair — usually worn long — that tends to gray early, though hair of a deep red is occasionally seen. They tend to have long limbs and lean muscle. Beards and excessive body hair are rare, while their eyes are almost always black or deep brown. Among the nomadic groups, tattoos are fairly common, though not as frequently seen as among the Erskaelosi.


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