Plains Tribes Organization in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Plains Tribes

When the Great Khan Jaganga of the Hundaei first crossed the northern Stonehearts to make war on the Hyperboreans, his folk soon discovered the vast Sea of Grass east of the mountains, a grassland plain of thousands of square miles that was much like their homeland on the Great Steppes to the west. Many Hundaei moved into these lands, where they found good grazing for their horses and other supplies for their armies as they fought their enemy. As is told elsewhere, the conflict lasted many years. At the end of campaign seasons, when most Hundaei returned to their homeland over the mountain, some chose to remain on the Sea of Grass. Over time, many came to view these plains as their new homes. The khans supported these migrations, as making permanent their presence solidified supply lines and ensured a northern threat to the Hyperboreans even during the winter months.   Between 681 I.R. and 683 I.R., the Hundaei of the Great Steppes fought a terrible civil war, at the end of which their empire for all intents and purposes ceased to exist. Some refugees fled over the Stonehearts and joined their kinfolk in the Sea of Grass, while others fled farther, even to Libynos. Fortunately, the strife left those in the Sea of Grass untouched. But now with their homeland in ruin, they were left to themselves in their new lands.   Over time, the descendants of the Hundaei in the Sea of Grass developed their own culture and way of life and divided into three main tribal groups: the KHaln, the Lundhargo, and the Mongat.


Plains Tribes
Geopolitical, Tribe

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