Plains of Xha Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Plains of Xha

This vast and fertile plain has been continuously settled and cultivated for millennia. The Plains were originally inhabited by the Senge, peaceful agrarians and herders who were unable to stem the tide of Xha’en migration. Within a few generations of their arrival, the Xha’en had forced the Senge into the hill country to the east and entirely taken over the Plains of Xha. The construction of the Lujhiran Dam prevented the annual flooding that swamped the region, while permanently flooding the Pantai Lowlands. While this allowed for more permanent settlements in the Xha region, it also deprived the area of irrigation and forced the Xha’en to build canals and aqueducts to provide water to local farmers. Today, the area is thickly populated with numerous farms and villages, roads, inns, government buildings, barracks, and similar signs of civilization. As the heavily-settled center of a great nation, the Plains of Xha is possibly one of the safest regions in all Akados.


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