Plains of Eauxe Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Plains of Eauxe

Thick grasslands extend from an area west of the Meander River to the east beyond Poiretre and north toward Broten. These rolling grasslands may look flat from a distance, but the tall grasses conceal numerous small hills and valleys, many large enough to conceal a number of cattle or horses or armed tribesmen. Thick, lush grasses here support a wide variety of life, all of which is put to use by the roaming tribes of plainsmen. The only real hazard to travel here is those riders, and if they see fit to let travelers pass, there are almost no other dangers to be seen. Any creatures that could pose a threat are taken care of by the wandering tribes. Larger threats merely cause tribes to band together, and even dragons typically do little more than snatch a single isolated horse or animal before being set upon by the fierce plainsmen.   Oases dot the fertile land, some fed by underground springs, others simply consisting of rock-enclosed pools of seasonal rainwater. Over thousands of years of roaming, the tribes of riders have slowly transformed these oases until almost all of the trees and bushes growing near these pools of water are fruit bearing. No tribe passing takes all of the fruits or wild vegetables; they simply acquire what they need and leave the rest for other tribes.


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