Painted Canyons Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Painted Canyons

Painted Canyons These badlands of torn, rocky canyons split the Desert Wall east of the city of Bhutan. The multiple colors of rock displayed in the deep ravines give the area its name. Although still dangerous, these low-lying canyons provide the only route through the mountains for most people. Travelers and caravans primarily follow the valley of the Havari River, which runs east to west most of the way across the badlands at a point where they are only about 100 miles wide. The canyons are said to harbor gnolls, bandits, and criminals hiding from the caliph’s justice, so caravans going through the area need to be well-guarded. Stories suggest that somewhere in the canyons one can find the ruins of the fabled city of Omlach Tur. Rather than being primitive, the cliff-dwellers of that ancient city are said to have been the rulers of an empire that predated the caliphate by thousands of years.


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