Olf Mountains Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Olf Mountains

These rugged mountains stretch from the forests of Seagestreland in the south well into Gatland in the north, and possibly beyond. For the most part, they are tall and steep, with tops capped with snow year-round. Between the mountains are thousands of small valleys fed by melt water and springs. In these dells dwell the hardiest of the Vastaviklanders, hardworking souls who don’t mind living far removed from the rest of Northlander society. Each vale has its own jarl that gives grudging obedience only to the køenig in Smølsünd (if they give even that). The people of the mountains are freemen one and all, and often deride their coastal cousins for keeping thralls.   All of Vastavikland is subject to earthquakes and other seismic activity, but no part more so than the depths of the Olf Mountains. Hot springs are not unheard of, nor for one of the mountains to suddenly show itself to be a sleeping volcano, in addition to the many already-known volcanoes. This, combined with long winters (long even for the Northlanders), giants, wyrms, and other deadly creatures, makes the Olf Mountains one of the most-dangerous regions in an already deadly part of the world.
Mountain Range


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