Olappo Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Olappo is the farthest south of the major cities of Guurzan. It started out as an oasis community, but the use of magic to construct several deep wells in the past means its area now can support a population in the thousands. Olappo is at the end of a caravan route from Bahaadur, and also one extending to Lixus in Caddesh. That means that through this isolated city pass goods from some of the largest communities in the world (such as Pharos, in Khemit, and other cities of the triple kingdom) to the villages on the Gulf of Caddesh, and then back. It is also the usual starting place for expeditions heading south into the deep desert, so its merchants and even individuals have items available for sale that are not usually seen except in much larger cities. Most of these are genuinely useful, but sometimes a fast talker with a good story is able to pass off something strange as an item of “important equipment.”


Olappo, City of
Abaya Naziik Nuh-rhuuthan

governor appointed by queen

6,366 (mostly Ashurian)
Owning Organization


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