Munigua Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


The town of Munigua is located on the eastern shore of Lake Odraga where the Upper Sangre River enters the lake; it is the seat of one of the two exarchs of the Channel Lakes system, the exarch of Sangre-Odraga. He is the administrator of the lakes, the lock system, and the associated population, from the east end of Lake Istobal to the west edge of Cordona Lake. The authorities of Munigua oversee Fortress Elduain in its ship inspections and fee collections from ships entering the channel from the west. They also protect the Upper Sangre Locks and oversee those keeping the locks in good working order. The foothills of the mountains are the one area where imperial troops really may be called out to defend the locks and shipping against wild animals and fell creatures.   The exarch at Munigua is the closest potential Alcaldrich ambassador to the dwarves of the Zorinos Mountains and their trade contacts at Syat. He is occasionally called upon to intervene with the dwarves on behalf of someone who falls afoul of their policies or to represent the Empire of Alcaldar to the dwarves on some matter.


Munigua, Town of
Exarch of Sangre-Odraga Alvar-Julian, Marqués of Vellone

exarch (regional governor) appointed by queen of Alcaldar

1,574 (almost all Alcaldrich)
Owning Organization


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