Mose Settlement in The Lost Lands | World Anvil


Mose stands on a major trade route and has been subjected to numerous attacks over the years. The nobility here spent wisely on massive walls, towers, and defenses focused on protecting the Noble Quarter. The rest of the city is split into discrete areas, all of which have their own walls and protections, though not nearly as extensive as that of the Noble Quarter. The Crafters’ Quarter houses a variety of craftsmen, including jewelers and gem cutters as well as blacksmiths and woodworkers. All craftsmen require a license purchased from the city to work and sell their products. The Joy District houses inns, restaurants, and trading houses as well as brothels and gambling houses, all of which are licensed by the city, paying variable fees depending upon their profitability and the social status of their owners. The ironically named High Quarter on the southern part of the city holds military barracks and a variety of ramshackle buildings housing the poorer laborers and workers.   Most of the structures in Mose are simple wood-frame buildings, with some larger wattle-and-daub buildings in the Crafters’ Quarter and random stone buildings spread throughout. Ancient stone foundations lead down to catacombs beneath the city that are often flooded and reek of sewage and decay. The Noble Quarter possesses mansions of the finest construction and materials, some of dwarven make, as the different noble families do their best to outdo each other.   All of the most profitable businesses are controlled by the noble families, whether it is gem or silver mines, wineries, distilleries, or wide swaths of farmland. The difference between the rich and poor here is marked and appalling. The poor are kept at least somewhat fed and satisfied not due to any generosity but because the nobles fear any possible revolt.  


The nobility in Mose control nearly all aspects of life and elect their prince, adopt favorable laws, and appoint judges who happily accept bribes. Craftsmen and merchants send representatives to the prince and other nobles, but the only path to influence is through bribery and blackmail. Officially, the laws apply to all, but in reality, the nobility is not subject to the same laws as the lowborn. Nobles have been known to openly abuse and even kill servants and lowborn without any repercussion. Most of the noble houses are in regular conflict with each other, often for reasons that stretch back generations. While these frictions rarely end in open conflict, assassination, blackmail, and sabotage are popular pastimes among the nobility. Ordinary citizens of Mose generally consider the noblemen to be bordering on insanity and do their best to avoid and reduce their interactions with the highborn.   Mose — and the Principality of Olduvar as a whole — is led by Prince Anscul White, who is beholden to several of the other major noble families in Mose and is unsure of his power. Local laws are enforced by the militia with a highly corrupt court system that heavily favors wealth and power.


The military in Mose is officially split into the general militia, which includes the city guard and infantry, and the cavalry, which is made up of mounted soldiers and knights. The cavalry mostly consists of wealthy sons not directly due inheritance of their family businesses or holdings, and are known to be particularly corrupt. While the military could be called to arms to defend the city and nation in time of need, their dedication is highly questionable. Any defense of the city is certain to focus on protecting the Noble Quarter.


Mose, City of (Capital)

Prince Anscul White


65,342 (49,220 Foerdewaith, 14,620 human mixed ethnicity, 1,125 Gnome, 198 half-elf, 87 mountain dwarf, 54 half-orc, 38 high elf)

Common, Gnome, Dwarven, Elven

silver, gems, foodstuffs, manufactured goods, trade hub

Technology Level

Owning Organization


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