Lower Red River Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Lower Red River

This long river winds down out of the World’s End Mountains to empty into Lake Berring. The spring floods overfill the banks and spread fresh soil across the fields of the nobles who dwell here. It is on this great flood plain that the wars of the nobles are fought. These ceremonial and religious conflicts allow land to change hands, rights to pass from one to another, and disputes to be settled in an organized manner.   There are laws to the War of Banners, rules that define who may fight and who may not. The queen or her agents set numbers, equipment, date, and location. These are designed to make the fight fair, but also to limit the trampling of crops and destruction of the land. Most often, battles take place on prepared land set aside for the purpose, and many nobles maintain a small field just for the War of the Banners. On the day of battle, each side defends its banner against attacks. Should a banner be captured, the issue is decided. Often weapons are rebated for these conflicts; no sense in anyone getting killed, at least not any one important.


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