Lonely Moor Geographic Location in The Lost Lands | World Anvil

Lonely Moor

East of the Gundlock Hills and north of Dimmelhill is the Lonely Moor, a vast stretch of verdant wetland where most of the rainfall collects after it drains from the hills. The land of the moor is lower than that of the coast to the east and north, so no rivers carry this drainage out to sea. As a result, a large moorland developed west of Stone-Ring Knoll. The aridity of the area keeps this from becoming a true swampland, but grasses and heather grow thick in this region, and deadly bogs lie hidden beneath mossy patches that look like solid ground to the unwary. The paths that run across this region are known to be safe, but anyone venturing off of them risks disappearing among the unforgiving mires, both horse and rider alike. To aid travelers, the clerics of Thyr who once inhabited the moor erected stone crosses along the path. These ancient stone monuments are weathered and broken — and many are missing entirely — but those that remain still mark the safe trails and continue to guide those who would travel the paths of the moor known collectively as the Monk’s Way.


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